I -am- invincible.

Apr 14, 2008 23:36

"I mean, there's no such thing as the right choice. They all hurt. You just choose who you hurt, and how much. That's all."

"'But if you are truly invincible, then you can have nothing,' someone once said. 'The more we possess something and the more precious it becomes to us, the more it hurts to lose it. And to be invincible you cannot be hurt by anything--'

And I remember someone else's reply: 'Being invincible means you can't lose anything.'"

Perhaps I am invincible because I am always ready to let go if I have to.

"What's the right thing to do?

Do you choose to survive invincible and alone; or die, helpless, together?"

The web comic that made me think.

I think in life we are all looking for answers. And sometimes I find it ironic that I am going to school to learn how to help others find their own answers, when I am still looking for mine. But you know, they say people often study psychology because they want to figure out what's wrong with themselves, rather than those around them.

What I hate the most is that during the day I forget I am looking for answers, so I also forget to watch carefully for them. Every once in a while I remember that I am searching, but I know by the time I have slept and wake up again, I will already have forgotten.

People say, "Live for the moment." But sometimes I think that's just a cop-out, because it's easier to get caught up in what's happening now than to think about what has happened, or might happen, or the things you wish would happen, or what you think should happen. They say to focus on your haves rather than your have-nots, but maybe that's just so you'll stay where you are and not cause any trouble. They tell you to stop asking "why" and go to school so you can get a good job and make money and get married and raise a family like you're supposed to. Why? That's just how things work. Go clean your room.

I'm thinking, now. My mind is roaming. I'm seeing things I don't usually see, feeling things I don't usually feel. But as soon as I finish this blog I will be forced to let them go, so that I can focus and finish my homework. And tomorrow I'll get up on time so I can get to school on time and learn what they want me to so I can get good grades and get a nice job and make money to save and spend like they tell me to, and one day I'll get married and have a family and raise my children to do the same things I did. Here and there my 'living in the moment' will be intercepted by moments of thought and clarity like this, when I look at all of it and shake my head. But these times are only semicolons in my life sentence, and I regret that I cannot dwell on them for long; there is work to be done.


introspective, growth

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