Worst day ever.

Mar 17, 2008 17:37

Alternative title: How I Got Mugged

Bastard took my cell phone!

So, I'm in Greenville, South Carolina. I've decided to stay the night at at Day's Inn because I'm too tired to drive back home right now. I got mugged today, at gun point. It was super lame. Ben got me an apartment thing at a hotel in the bad side of town, but he and I both figured it would be alright. Everything went pretty well (despite the fact that we had to call the cops because the people in the apartment next to us were fighting and screaming at each other and a baby was crying, et cetera).

Then this morning around 9:30 when I was packing my car and getting ready to go, I decided I would put a sticker on my car that Ben bought for me at Hot Topic. I was crouched behind my car and I saw a shadow come up behind me and I thought it was this cat that I had been calling to. I was talking to Grandma on the phone at the time. Then I looked to the side and saw it was a (black guy's) leg, so I thought someone was going to talk to me. I heard "give me the keys" as I turned my head slightly, then realized there was a revolver in his hand and he was standing VERY close to me. He tapped my face with the gun and said "don't look at me, what are you thinking" and then told me to give him the keys again. I tried to protest, saying I couldn't give him my car, please don't take the car, because I live in North Carolina, and he just kept saying "give me the keys, give me the keys." So I lied and told him they were in the hotel room. They were sitting in my driver's seat. So he said "give me the money," and I told him it was in the car. I got in the car (sitting on top of my keys so he couldn't see them) and gave him the whopping $30 that was in my wallet. I was shaking really hard and he asked if that was all I had and I gave him about four dollars worth of change I had in my pocket, and then he asked for my cell phone. I protested again, saying "please don't take my cell phone, I have pictures on there, I need it, I can't give you the phone," but he had a gun...so I gave it to him. I wish it had been a knife, because I had a knife too and I would have fought him. After I gave him my phone he told me to get in the car and lock it, and he closed the door after I put my other leg in, and then he was gone. I sat there for about a minute until I was sure I wouldn't see him by accident, then I pulled my keys out and took off as fast as possible. Luckily I'd already loaded everything else into my car.

It could have been worse. I had a $2,000 laptop, a $900 camera, and a $200 Zune in the car, but he didn't notice any of those. I also had my TomTom. Luckily I keep him in the glove compartment. I drove to a restaurant in a public area and asked an old guy if I could use his cell, called Grandma and told her to cancel my cell phone service, then called the police. They showed up in less than three minutes, and so began the wild goose chase. They brought a dog in, but he couldn't find anyone. A taxi was seen leaving and they stopped it and there was a black guy in it that kind of matched the description I gave (from what I saw of him), but it wasn't the right one. So after an hour of trying to find the guy and being driven around in the backs of patrol cars, they had me fill out a testimonial and sent me on my way. I went to WalMart and bought a Go Phone and $50 worth of minutes and an AC/DC adapter, so I've got a phone until I get home. But after the whole ordeal was over I did a lot of crying, and now my eyes are swollen and tired and I don't feel confident about driving at night when I need to sleep so much. I got a room at the Days Inn and found this public library while I was driving around looking for a computer store that might sell Mac chargers (forgot mine at home). It's got a filter on the web sites allowed, but proxy servers take care of that.

So anyway, that was my day. I'm over my jitters now and I'm fine. I'm just going to relax and sleep this off before I finish driving home. I'm mainly just upset about my phone...I had a lot of awesome stuff on there, and it was expensive! Dammit! I'd give my current cell number, but I forgot it.

Other than that part I had a wonderful time with Ben, but I'll write about that later. My tummy is angry again.
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