Feb 15, 2005 01:01
So, today is Valentine's Day. Oh crap! No it's not! Hmm...it's 1 a.m., therefore, officially February 15th. Regardless, I'll still treat it as V-day.
Today was a good day. Nothing terrible happened in school; mostly just good things. I had a fun day. I convinced Dave to go out to eat with me (once again), even though he had stuff to do! Haha! We ate at Long John Silver's. Yes, yes...I know. It's horrible...grease...ewww! But, it's okay for a change up once in a while.
Also, I have an interesting picture I took while there. I'm too lazy to upload it to a site and then link it to here right now...so...anyone reading this, let me know HOW to make a direct link to here...you know? So the picture shows up in the page...not just so you have to type in the address. Either that, or ask me to see it. The picture is this light they have at LJS's, and it looks like a hanging breast! Hahahaha! <3
So, then I went to work later. This is where the title of my entry comes in. I was having a long, in-depth conversation with my "manager", Jason, as well as my co-worker, Aaron. We were discussing various aspects of mathematics and physics, and how they play in the physical world. From that, we went onto the dicussion of infinite numbers, how they are used, how they're visualized, as well as how time and space came to be...which, of course, came to the discussion of how God is omni-everything...and how He is everything and everywhere...and, how it's nearly impossible for the human mind (because of our limitations) to fathom how God was just there at an instant. But, if you think about it...time is just something we use to record observations. In essence, without changes, there would be no time. But, there are also ways to counter that...something could be the same, therefore, without change...yet, still go through time. But, this brings us to God: If God is all-knowing, all-good, and everywhere...time has no meaning to God. God exists in all dimensions...even those that our minds can't fathom...the 4th dimension...maybe beyond? Another argument that came into play was the age-old controversial paradox: Can God create a boulder so heavy that even He cannot lift it? Well, much like Schroedinger's Cat Theory, the only answer to this is "Yes and no", and to leave it at that. It's a paradoxal statement that cannot be defined or answered, therefore, you must include the entire spectrum of answers. In this case, both "yes" and "no".
Adding to that, we all know about time and space...but, can matter exist without time? Or time without matter? That's also something to consider. It all comes back to the definitions of those words. But, matter seems to be able to exist without time; it's just hard to imagine. Einstein's theory says that if something travels the speed of light, time appears to freeze, therefore, time (in essence) does not exist. However, time still DOES exist, does it not? But, time is always something relative to something else. Matter may, in itself, be able to exist without time, but where and how would it exist? Would it be some kind of anti-matter? Would it have to exist merely in a black hole?
These are the kinds of things we were talking about. I love talking about things like that. It really gets my mind going, and I LOVE pondering things of that nature. Yeah, I'm probably talking like I'm all high-class and intelligent, right? Haha! I have to sound smart and important! ;)
So, anyways...after much brain-hurting conversation (although very pleasant and fun), we all felt like we needed some free air...or just something to dumb things down! Hahaha!
Well, Aaron and I were walking around the computer lab, and he found a bag of Valentine's Day candy on the ground. Then, we proceeded to eat the candy. Hahahahaha! Yeah, that's so gross, right?! HAHAHAHA! But, hey...we had to enjoy it's deliciousness, or no one would.
Then, we were imagining the person coming back and being like, "Hey. Did you find a bag of candy? I left one here." Meanwhile, we have gummi worms hanging out of our mouths..."Uhhh...no." ::slides bag of candy out of sight::
Hahahaha! So, it was quite a fun and eventful night.
Also, I know that Willis complained about how I just rambled on about things in other posts, so I wanted to have something to say that could stir up some conversation and/or thinking. Willis, if that doesn't do it, you're a complete douche. <3
So, the last thing I have to do...well, tomorrow...well, actually today: I have to call the magistrate's (sp?) office and see if there's any way I can keep my license for school and work purposes. If not, I'm screwed. I'd have to find some way of bumming rides from friends for 3 months. Geez...I hope that doesn't happen. Otherwise, I'd have to just drop out of college for this semester, and lose both my jobs.
On that note, I got my speeding ticket on the way to the show on Friday. Shippensburg was the place. 9 p.m. was the time. We left at like 1:30 a.m. O_O It was great, though! The Lampshades were there! They're awesome! <3 And, I have lots of awesome video footage and hilarious pics. So, even though the admission was only $1, and it ended up costing me $162+, it was a great night!
As far as the license and ticket thing goes...well, let's hope for the best! ^_^ ::nervous::