Apr 27, 2005 21:07
GUESS WHAT!! TODAY DIDN'T SUCK LIKE USUAL! Surprisingly, it was an A day that was good. Homeroom: JEnna wasn't being as much as a bitch, but she starts smiling after when I smile, and tells me to stop smiling, because she doesn't want to smile, and I was like "tough luck, bitch" and start smiling even more.
PE: Since yesterday rained, we had to play ing the gym and participate in gay ole "Dodgeball" so naturally, when there's dodgeball, I don't dress out. So, my teacher did sumphin surprising, he made me walk the track. I'd rather run the track but, I walked since everybody else is walking and it'd make me seem like I could outrun them. When I'm walking towards the direction of Pat's house, I see like her blind is open, then I look again and it's closed... it was weird.
Then I start slowing down to talk to Matt and Moostache lady, and Coach Bennac says, "Jessica, do you know the procedure of walking the track?"
Jesh: Walking the track.
Bennac: Do you know the procedure?
Jesh:...uh... no?
Bennac: Ok, are you going to walk in front of them or walk behind them. (then I finally get the point and start running ahead a little, apparently, you aren't suppose to walk with more than another person, either that or you walk by yourself.) Pff, overachiever.
Jesh: ~_^
Bennac: Do you know what an overachiever is? (oh lord...)
Jesh: Yes?
Bennac: Is it good to be an overachiever?
Jesh: Depends, but I know I am partially one.
And anyways, he starts talking to me about how an overachiever should be able to do things that I don't like anyways. It's just PE, gosh.
3rd Period: We had teachers like... shadow teachers, watching us, and I DIDN"T HAVE TO PRESENT TODAY! A BONUS! Jenna's an ass, Iw as talking to chelsea and she ahs to say it outloud to let chelsea know that I'm tlaking about her she said. "Chelsea isn't mean". Ah well, she gave me extra cheetos.
4th Period: It was ok, I worked with Angela and Rachel. Got in trouble for standing up, (Why? it's not like she was talking). Miss armes is like "How many times to I have to tell you to sit down? " then she starts rambling on, and I don't understand what she's saying, but I laugh anyways because Dell started laughing and I figured she said somethign funny. Hokaiy.
5th: ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^!! FUN FUN FUN! THE BEST! I'm in group of peasant number three, and also with Noble number 3. Noble man, Tyler, got to sit in a chair, while I had to sit on the floor and draw twenty pieces of wheat in an amount of time. I drew 22 so I would get more food. So, Tony was hiding in the little gap of the podium, and Mrs. Kerpchar stands in front of the podium and Tony is under there. So Tony's like, "UH, Mrs. Kerpchar? Mrs. KERPCHAR!!" she's just standing there in front of him. That was cute. So we begin, nothing really happens, but Macy was in our group so I hated that.
Lunch is here, this is where I begin to get hyper and started interrupting angie, I had a cookie, 5 tator tots, and a juice. We're lining up to get out of the lunchroom, and Michael stands besides me and says, "LOOK! THERE IS A PIECE OF SHIT IN THE WATER FOUNTAIN!" and I look and I'm like, "You idiot" and he starts laughing, so we walk out together, and he says somethign I forgot and he walks ahead and runs to catch up to the other side. Mrs.Kerpchar says, "Mr.GREENE" and I look at michael and see him fall on someone. "MICHAEL!" the 8th grade michael looks at us, and she's like "Not you, the crazy one over there-- MICHAEL!!!" Michael Turns around stops and waves and says "HI!" and turns back around and runs to the classroom. - -; he's so silly.
He got detention for doing that and then since his role, is the queen and his king wasn't there (Which was yet another guy), and he sat in the kings place and said, "I AM THE KING and I NEED A QUEEN! WHO IS GOING TO MARRY ME!" coincedentally David walks by and Michael says, "AW, Yeah." he stops david and says, "What's up honey" and holds his hand out for david to slap it.
I lub michael... *_* So, after when we stop in the classroom for a while we go to the office to get a hearing test. We line up and the people get so pissed. I'm at the back of the line behind Angie which is behind David I think, who is behind Michael. So fro' what I remember, Michael did something. Then Tony comes over here and says, "SCOOT BACK! SCOOT BACK!" then he has to go to the end of the line. Tony walks into somebody's office just for fun, and says to michael, "THey're chairs in there"
Michael: Steal something! Get a chair and sit out here!
Tony: -walks back into office, comes back out- -does that a few times-
Kerp: TONY! What are you doing in somebody else's office?
Tony: Uhh, I don't know I was just there.
Tony was talking to somebody and Xamadi pulled his hair, and punched his stomach. (Not like... bullying)
I did something and I get yelled at, I forgot what i did, but I got kicked out of the office when Xamadi pretended to put a booger on me and I said, "Escuuz me?" and batted my eyelashes. Kerpchars like "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING! GET OUT OF HERE!" (I quickly jump back in line like nothing happened) "ALL FOUR OF YOU! OUT! DELANEY, XAMADI, JENNA, And Jessica, go stand by the wall outside!"
Jesh: Wow, this is a first, -pout-
Jen: -laughs-
Jesh: - -;
So we go back in there, and I look through the door window and I see Michael and Tony, then I see angela taking a test, and I'm like "Angie" and she looks at me, The teacher looks at me and comes out and says, "Scoot back" and pushes me. Then when they all come out, The person says, "YOU GUYS ARE SO RUDE! ---tony:What?!-- YOU 4! Come in here quietly and sit down on a seat!"
Btw, at lunch, Aldin was choking Danny, and danny was turning purple, so Danny was about to punch aldin, like this swing thing. Aldin ducked and Dannys arm hit a tray, and it flew up in the air and broke when it fell. Everybody was just silent. Danny looks kuute when he's mad.
I'm running out of sunflowerseeds, oh well. I should stop eating them anyways, I'm allergic to them. They make my throat clog and I talk weirdly.
Tomorrow, I get 5 bucks from Jenna, that stupid idiot, I felt sorry for ripping her off so I gave her an extra piece. - -; Oh well.