
Apr 15, 2005 21:05

DAMN YOU 5th PERIOD! Actually, just chelsea... she was braiding Michael's hair. What the hell was with that? The only thing I actually liked in 5th period was... was lunch, the fries! POTATOES YEAH!

I remember Angela tackling me because I was about to run to the buses with her icecream/cherry soda/fish pillow. (She said it was a cherry soda, but cherry sodas aren't PINK!)

Ok... PE... kinda boring, FOR ONCE PAUL WAS UNDERSTANDING! I was playing basketball, and I traveled, and he's like "that's alright" usually he'll burst out screaming. Surprise surprise!

3rd... Nothing, Chelsea takes Tylers pretzels. Maybe when she asks me if she's a big flirt, I should say no... does that make her want to flirt more... or maybe I should say... I don't know... I wish she would just... go away and I never met her. When I was lying on the carseat like chair, Tony got up and said Mrs. H wanted to see me sometime when I could. I was like "Who?" Can't he actually say her name?

4th: It was ok too... I knew I laughed somewhere... oh yeah when I was changing Dell and Angela's Boring Answers to EXCITING ONES! Tony answered my stupid question I answered, I was like "Ohh... God, I'm more stupid than I was before." Miss armes is like "Good Question Jessica" I'm like "Whatever" (I asked, what is it when you give humans non-animate ...characteristics... Tony answered... "It's a simile... Like... "some something looked like a lamp" looks up somewhere" It's cool how he does that, it's so cute.)

Today's best period was Homeroom. I got in sat on the couch with the guys...

Tylers like " I have to say this again, YOU WERE AWESOME!"

Jesh: -blush- heheh, that's alright man, but thanks. -just sits there, and puts legs on couch-
TOny: -walks in-
Tyler: Did you hear her? She was awesome man! -walks through puts binder on table-
Tony: yeah, I know.. hehe (dammit... I can't believe I don't remember some of the conversation, I'll skip)
Tylers: Jessica, You should really get Bohos those will really look good on you!
Jesh: I know... I'll get new shows later.
Tony: -stares at shoes-
Jesh: -gets nervous because he's staring at my shoes...-
Tyler: -walks in, sits on the couch with me- (far right, I'm on left) (something else happens, Michael comes in, I'm about to leave, but then it would seem like I'm just leaving because of him so I stay, he sits next to me)

So... we're talking about guitars and orchestra, and Tony tells his remarkable story about how his lip got swollen after being hit by the cello. Ben comes, and then Tony tells him that I played at the concert. WHen I was sitting with Michael, Michael is saying how playing electric guitar is easier than playing acoustic. Tony says playing classic is boring. Tylers saying that when you get new strings... boil them. Tony says, "Why?" Tyler says it softens them, and Tony says it's better when they're hard... (lol.... heheh I just realized how perverted that sounds), btw then Tony tells us how Alden ate his Penis Sandwhich. I am asking Tony if I could borrow his guitar, and he says he needs it restrung, (HE LOOKED UP WHEN I ASKED HIM THAT!). Also, Tony was imitating playing a guitar, and Michael asked me if I knew how to play a song yet. ( I could not understand him, and made him repeat it a few times.

PAY ATTENTION! PENIS SANDWICH STORY! ALERT ALERT! (I really should say this, incase some random being just happens to stumble upon my journal).

Ok, so here is what happens from what I hear from Tony when I was sitting on the couch.

Tony: hahhaahaha that was so funny yesterday! Alden ate my penis sandwhich!
Tyler: -really hyper voice that he has-  really?! What'd ya do!
Tony: O. you guys weren't there yeah... you guys at the circus. (Btw, Tony got yelled at and got a refurrel,... referral, there ya go) Anyways, I had this sandwich right? And I stuck it down my pants, and I'm like "Alden, you want a sandwich?" and he's suspicious, but he eats it anyways, and he eats all of it! hahaha, that stupid idiot.
Tyler: Did you stick it down your boxors, (I'm right beside them btw)
Tony: No, I just stuck em  down my pants. BUT HE ATE IT!

SO I was just smiling, and thought what a weird conversation we're having . A few minutes after ben came, I left and went to go sit with the girls.

THAT"S IT! for today... although let's see... when I was leaving to go to the bus, Danny, took off his pants and showed me his camouflage pants. He just did it out of the blue, it was a bit surprising. He was all happy about it too! He's liek "I"M WEARING TWO PANTS!"  Then when we both get on the bus, he's all happy, and he's like "Ok, let's see, I can jump from R10 to R7. And when we first got on, he was jumping from seat to seat, and he's like "wow, it's like an obstacle course".      (- -;) So, Michael (the 8th grade one) says... "You must be on drugs."
Danny: -squeaky voice- no! 
Michael: (in that, you-know-you-are voice) You're on druuugs!
Danny: Look I can jump from R10 from R7
Michael : See! Drugs! You must be on drugs!

I go to GMA's, and my mom gets pissed at me cause I have a brown mark on my face. I told her that it was just a butt chin. (I was drawing abutt chin on my face because Angela had one, and I was laughing at her.)

OUT NOW!!! BIZZ!! I BE OUT! OUT OUT OUT! I got two of Tyesha's fries, and they were good! But my hands were so greasy! It scared me... 0.0

Random Saying for now:

"Love and Heroes, there are no origin" <--- don't get what that means... just heard that today.
"A cat walk must have a no talk talk."

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