The windows of our heart

Nov 13, 2008 23:57

Our heart is like a stuffy room. We fill it with so many worldly treasures and our own desires... constantly moving in our own ways. There is no circulation. Our selfish movements make the air thick, and hard to breathe. We reach for a window- hoping for just a slight breeze to relieve the stuffiness we get from leaning on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5&6.) The breeze is Christ Himself, refreshing the air of our heart. See, we can't take the stuffiness out, only by opening the windows of our heart can we allow Christ to come in and rejuvenate us. We start to crack the window a little more- oh how refreshing a breath of fresh air is. The window now wider, we feel totally renewed! The stuffiness is suddenly gone- God is circulating & flowing through our lives. The coolness of the room brings healing & life through our body and down to our soul. I Am is here.

...But then the storms come our way. We get afraid of the rain and beating winds life will throw at us (Matthew 14:22-33.) Our natural reaction is to close up all the windows, fearing the torrents & squalls. The room starts to get stuffy again. Falling back on our understanding, the way we see it, we forget what Christ's gentle breeze is like. Keep the windows of your heart open in the good times AND the bad! Don't forget what fresh air feels like! Allow your heart to be continually healing and made anew through the love of Jesus. For "He turned the storm into a breeze: and it's waves were still." -Psalm 107:29

-Early, early morning 11.13.08
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