Today was an alright day, Kerry was at my school today yuck I helped support bush lol... I got a sign for my grandma hmm what else are english teacher let us leave early that made me happy, came home got a package with a lot of my chemcial romance stickers so I am giving them out anybody want one? then went to dans and did my homework, haha dan
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A philosophy professor remarked in a class of mine that "the West is in desperate need of re-Christianization." Coming from an atheist, that had a considerable impact. All nations have some sort of philosophy which governs them, and I want Bush's stable, more traditional sort of Christian worldview, which I am fully behind, than Kerry's chaotic, secular one which doesn't know what it wants, is unwilling to say no to anyone, and is increasingly settling on anarchic license to do whatever one pleases, under the theory that "I'm okay, you're okay, it's okay." I don't buy Kerry's claim that he'd fight the war on terror better. He strikes me as the worst sort of political opportunist, willing to say whatever will win him the most points on a particular day without any regard to the future. Kerry looks to the immediate present and the past, while Bush is more future-looking. That's been reflected by Kerry's constant use of Vietnam and while Bush keeps looking to the victory in the war on terror. If anyone could get the country into a huge quagmire, it would be Kerry, going for the short-term gain while ignoring the long-term consequences. Under Bush, we have suffered in the short-term, but I would rather that in conjunction with long-term benefits than foregoing the short-term suffering for a disaster some years after Kerry is out of office
Oh yah... I dont trush his wife either... Good enough for the both of you its my own opition and can't agruee about that.. free speach..
you told me once that you didnt even know the difference between buch and kerry, please save the trouble and dont vote
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