i'm such a good girlfriend

Sep 24, 2004 22:21

yeah.. fuck off.. i just wrote my entry.. then it like.. went blank on me.. okay so quick summary.. umm.. went to school, tanya came over.. we walked on kings highway looking for jobs.. i got like 4 applications.. then we went to channy's work to go visit. then her mom brought us to her house.. played with Jaiden + Keethan [sp] they're soo cute.. omg.. Kailen is sooo adorable.. ahh!!

went to taco bell, then the mall. saw jocelyn + the baby :).. soo cute.. umm.. got hit on.. lmao. hense the subject of this entry. there were these like 3 guys following us everywhere.. and then we walked by and one of them told me "he wants your number" and i just kept walking and chantel was like "yeah.. she has a boyfriend, his NAME IS JOHNATHAN!" and then we saw them again.. (( here is when we realized we didn't have a ride.. and i was going to ask them for one.. since chantel knew one of them)) then they said the thing about the number again.. and this time the kid comes up to me with his celphone in his hand.. umm hello buddy.. what?? .. so he kinda gave me that look.. and i was like "oh i don't have a phone" -WHILE IT'S HOOKED ON MY BELT- and he's like "oh, what's that??" and i was like "oh.. it's hers" and pointed to chantel.. and then he was like "oh okay..can i have your home phone number then?" and i was like "umm... i have a boyfriend" and he was like "ooh.. okay" and i felt soo bad and even said sorry to him and he said "oh , it's cool" haha. woot.. yeah.. im a good girlfriend..

then russell saved my life again.. and he gave us all a ride home.. fucking dropping off eric was hilarious.. fucking guys man.. haha.. then he dropped of tanya, then chantel.. and i was the last one. he's such a sweetheart, i wish he wasn't moving away. him + chantel are sooooo good together. :(

yeah welll i'm gonna go update before it goes blank on me again..

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