May 14, 2010 22:07

Well I already had this set up
but my blog deleted it. So, i'm Lj -ing it.
  1. See the sunrise on the beach
  2. Follow a road to the end
  3. Skydive
  4. Go hiking
  5. Go camping
  6. Sleep on a roof
  7. Paint a picture
  8. Go to a wedding
  9. Create a pen pal
  10. Post-it notes
  11. Rekindle an old friendship
  12. Only fall for someone if they're worth it
  13. Be more spontaneous
  14. Climb a tree
  15. Build a sandcastle
  16. Run a race
  17. Run atleast 5 times a week
  18. Get a tattoo
  19. Run in the rain with my clothes on
  20. Jump in the pool with my clothes on
  21. Get a crazy/random piercing
  22. Visit Michigan
  23. Atlanta
  24. Create a spectacular dinner
  25. Slowdance
  26. Get to know a stranger
  27. Ride the bus all day
  28. Get on a train and just go with it
  29. Fortune teller
  30. Skinny dip
  31. Road trip to anywhere
  32. Learn to juggle
  33. Read 20 books
  34. Go to a drive-in movie
  35. Leave the people in the past.. in the past.
  36. Manhunt
  37. Go play laser tag
  38. Go to a movie alone
  39. Swing dance class
  40. Just drive
  41. Play in the rain 
  42. Get a streak in my hair
  43. Sit in a hot spring
  44. Go to the zoo in Atlanta
  45. Visit the Botanical Gardens
  46. Graceland
  47. Go out to eat alone
  48. Visit Camie and George
  49. Write poetry
  50. Sleep in a car
  51. Plant a tree, watch it grow
  52. Make a bird house
  53. Eat some exotic food (shark, dolphin, squid)
  54. Play in the mud
  55. Put up lights in my room.. teal/purple
  56. Hike up Stone Mountain
  57. La dee da JC
  58. Create a record wall
  59. Buy an umbrella
  60. Take xoe to a baseball game
  61. Rollerblade
  62. Balloon fight
  63. Lay in a grave
  64. Learn how to drive a stick shift
  65. Buy/Grow a Venus Fly Trap
  66. Play with a snake
  67. Buy Absinthe
  68. Air Balloon ride
  69. Blow bubbles
  70. Buy my mom a whole new outfit
  71. High five a cop with illegal substances in my pocket
  72. Bottle Rockets
  73. Learn how to take a compliment
  74. Henna Tattoo
  75. Make a collage
  76. Apply to Georgia State
  77. Move to Atlanta
  78. Make an ugly doll
  79. Circus
  80. Play in a fountain
  81. Visit Georgia Southern University
  82. Visit Kennesaw State University
  83. Play with Chalk, alot
  84. Make an ethnic dish
  85. Ride a motorcycle
  86. Make pottery
  87. Save money
  88. Pass a car on a solid line
  89. Grow my hair out
  90. Dye my hair.. lighter (tough)
  91. Volunteer somewhere
  92. Make someone happy
  93. Little Mulberry Park
  94. Savannah
  95. Gwinnett Braves game
  96. Visit the Muslim temple
  97. Buy a camera
  98. Finger paint
  99. Make a tie dye shirt
  100. Buy a new television
This website is good for checking off things as well - - http://brass612.tripod.com/cgi-bin/things.html

2010 todo

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