Well I already had this set up
but my blog deleted it. So, i'm Lj -ing it.
- See the sunrise on the beach
- Follow a road to the end
- Skydive
- Go hiking
- Go camping
- Sleep on a roof
- Paint a picture
- Go to a wedding
- Create a pen pal
- Post-it notes
- Rekindle an old friendship
- Only fall for someone if they're worth it
- Be more spontaneous
- Climb a tree
- Build a sandcastle
- Run a race
- Run atleast 5 times a week
- Get a tattoo
- Run in the rain with my clothes on
- Jump in the pool with my clothes on
- Get a crazy/random piercing
- Visit Michigan
- Atlanta
- Create a spectacular dinner
- Slowdance
- Get to know a stranger
- Ride the bus all day
- Get on a train and just go with it
- Fortune teller
- Skinny dip
- Road trip to anywhere
- Learn to juggle
- Read 20 books
- Go to a drive-in movie
- Leave the people in the past.. in the past.
- Manhunt
- Go play laser tag
- Go to a movie alone
- Swing dance class
- Just drive
- Play in the rain
- Get a streak in my hair
- Sit in a hot spring
- Go to the zoo in Atlanta
- Visit the Botanical Gardens
- Graceland
- Go out to eat alone
- Visit Camie and George
- Write poetry
- Sleep in a car
- Plant a tree, watch it grow
- Make a bird house
- Eat some exotic food (shark, dolphin, squid)
- Play in the mud
- Put up lights in my room.. teal/purple
- Hike up Stone Mountain
- La dee da JC
- Create a record wall
- Buy an umbrella
- Take xoe to a baseball game
- Rollerblade
- Balloon fight
- Lay in a grave
- Learn how to drive a stick shift
- Buy/Grow a Venus Fly Trap
- Play with a snake
- Buy Absinthe
- Air Balloon ride
- Blow bubbles
- Buy my mom a whole new outfit
- High five a cop with illegal substances in my pocket
- Bottle Rockets
- Learn how to take a compliment
- Henna Tattoo
- Make a collage
- Apply to Georgia State
- Move to Atlanta
- Make an ugly doll
- Circus
- Play in a fountain
- Visit Georgia Southern University
- Visit Kennesaw State University
- Play with Chalk, alot
- Make an ethnic dish
- Ride a motorcycle
- Make pottery
- Save money
- Pass a car on a solid line
- Grow my hair out
- Dye my hair.. lighter (tough)
- Volunteer somewhere
- Make someone happy
- Little Mulberry Park
- Savannah
- Gwinnett Braves game
- Visit the Muslim temple
- Buy a camera
- Finger paint
- Make a tie dye shirt
- Buy a new television
This website is good for checking off things as well - -