
Nov 24, 2010 03:59

I has a headcold! OH NOES! Yep, been trying to sleep but the nose is set to "on" as are my eyes. Ache somewhat and have had signs of a dreaded cough. Touch wood, that does not happen.

Apart from that, I'm trying to keep my head above water. Trying to not freak out over Christmas coming up. Wondering how fucked I am money wise for when I get my furkids this weekend. Oh dear.

Yesterday, I had fun brain stuff! As I woke from napping earlier in the day, I looked around and saw a group of people walking around me. Like they would be through a train station or something. Pretty freakin' neat overlap from dream state to being awake. I bet some people would instantly jump on it being ghostly or something else supernatural. Nope. Just my brain playing tricks on me.

Tomorrow (today now) I am going to go out with mum even if my face is trying to slide off. I just hope I can stay awake while I'm at the movies.

Alright, time to try and sleep again. *crosses fingers and toes* Here I go!
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