Aug 22, 2006 15:10
Yesterday was the first training session for the swim team. I still have no intention to do IVP again this year, but I went down for training anyway. What choice do I have when my roomie is the vice-cap of the team. Not many newbies turned up. For that matter, not many anyone turned up. Just the same few of us. There was this exchange student from Canada who provided really good motivation to go fast. He is damn freaking tall and the advantage is crazy. But it was nice having someone to pace.
School has been tough but fun! I really do enjoy most of my modules, except Macroeconomics. Pfft. Perhaps taking 6 mods is being a little too ambitious on my part. I'm not struggling yet, but I'm buried under readings that I can't seem to keep up with. Maybe it is because I've been wasting too much time on training. Can't wait till IFG is over, then I can stop hitting the pool so often.