Meme Time!

Sep 14, 2008 11:14

* Comment on this post.
* I will give you a letter.
* Think of 5 fictional characters and post their names and your comments on these characters in your LJ.

Got S from pauraque

1. Severus Snape

Oh Snape, what did she do to you? You started out so well, intriguing, so morally ambiguous. And how did it all end? You barely got any on-screen time in the last book, a majorly lame death scene and to add insult to injury, a backstory and motivation that sucked and blew at the same time. You were shown as a pathetic loser, who never got over the first pretty girl that gave you the time of day and all the while had the hots for a good-looking bully and could sometimes barely conceal her contempt for you.

2. Sailor Saturn

Actually only my second favorite Senshi (Mars is no. 1), but definitely the most interesting. An outcast among the outer senshi and with a power to rival that of Princess Serenity herself. Also in the manga she's a cyborg. And let's not forget that thanks to her we got to see Haruka and Michiru as parents.

3. Starfire

This is for the cartoon version only. I actually like her better than Raven (not that I don't like her), since you can get those goth/angst characters dime-a-dozen nowadays. She's cheerful, funny and kicks ass. Also, she and Robin have one of the few canon romances I actually like.

4. Scarlet Witch

Again, X-Men Evolution version only. My favorite female on the show. Dark, but not angsty. Vulnerable, but not weak. Her design looks cool, all black and red. And hey, if Toad approves, she must be something. ;)

5. Sokka

Ah, the pimp lord of Avatar. Funny, good-looking, a great stategist and warrior, no wonder all the girls want him. It was really nice to see the goofy side-kick character develop into so much more, but without ever losing his sense of humor. Too bad that not all sidekicks can get this kind of treatment *coughRonWeasleycough*.

harry potter, sailor moon, teen titans, meme, avatar, x-men evolution

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