Photo Post

Aug 10, 2008 14:09

Near where I live is an abandoned hospital, that has been like that for a few years. It was supposed to be torn down to make room for apartment and office buildings, but plans fell through and I haven't heard of any new plans. Anyway, for quite a while now I've toyed with the idea of going in there and taking some pics after seeing people on silenthill do the same. And since I started playing SH: Origins yesterday, I went there today.

First, some pics from the outside.

The first floor

The staircase

Second floor

I didn't go any further than that, because a) it was a lot darker inside than I expected and I didn't bring a flash light, and b) there was broken glass and debris everywhere and I didn't want to risk stumbling and cutting myself. To be honest, I kind of thought it would look more interesting than that. Part of the problem is probably that it wasn't a regular hospital, but more of a detox clinic for drug addicts.

Anyway, to end this post on a more uplifting note, here's a picture of a rainbow I took on Monday.

photos, personal, silent hill, random

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