Art, Ice and Exams

Nov 20, 2007 17:39

Since I'm weak, I finally buckled and got myself a DeviantArt account. If anyone cares, here it is: Tora_Chan at DA. BTW, does anyone know how to change your date of birth there? Because mine has the wrong day.

I also went to Holiday on Ice this Sunday and saw their show Elements. My favorite parts were the butterflies that were illuminated by black light and the big finale. What I didn't like were the family behind us, whose kids wouldn't shut up for even 5 minutes and had to make comments on every single thing. Yes kid, they're butterflies, I can see it. Now put a sock in it.

Today I also wrote my first exam of three to finish my apprenticeship. I actually have a good feeling about this, but we all know how reliable that is. Next Tuesday is the second one and the last one will be in January. And then I'll hopefully be done for good.


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