The Village

Mar 06, 2005 12:15

I finally got around to watch the movie The Village. And my, does the trailer ever give the wrong impression.

The trailer makes it look like as if the movie is a horror or at least a thriller movie. It couldn't be further from the truth as the movie is horribly boring. And mind you, I get scared easily, but there was nothing scary about The Village.

What was the movie about: A group of people live peacefully in a little village inside the woods, which they never enter because of the monsters who lurk there. Well, for people who are completely isolated they sure have a lot of food. Well, the big twist (or twists) is that the monsters are actually the city elders in disguise. They want to keep the people scared so they'll never leave the village and find out that they are actually living in our time and not in the past.

I feel like my intelligence was insulted by this piece of crap. I mean, the whole premise only exists so M. Night Shyamalan can throw the not-so-surprising twist at us in the end.

Things that irked me about the movie:
- The design of the monster. Hedgehogs on steroids in red capes, anyone?
- Why did the original settlers have to create their own village? Why couldn't they just become Amish? Oh wait, because then the plot doesn't work, that's why.
- What's the morale of the story? That it's okay to lie to people and force them to live in fear just because you cannot deal with reality?
- Why is the retarded guy the bad guy? Are they telling me that only the mentally disabled would ever commit a crime? And they never show the reaction of the villagers to the crime, they just kill Noah off. (Why did he attack Ivy anyway?) And how come they don't have any kind of trials? Am I supposed to believe that healthy people don't commit crimes?
- If red is the bad color, what do they do if someone gets injured or when they butcher their animals? Or, heck, if the women start menstruating? Since they live without any modern things they obviously don't have pads or tampons.
- Where do all the little kids come from? The original settlers founded the village just around 30 years ago and their kids are all in their early to mid twenties.
- Ivy sure can do a lot of things for someone who is supposedly blind. Get herself out of a big hole, climb a wall, run through the forrest alone, fool the Monster/Noah etc..

As a whole, the movie was one big yawn after another. I really don't get how people could like this. The plot is boring and convoluted, the twist could be seen a mile away and suspense is nowhere to be found.

essay, movies

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