Nov 03, 2003 21:50

Well, I got to listneing to the new Limp Bizkit last night. It's actually pretty good. Better than I expected.

I enjoy pretty much every song, and at the end of Behind blue eyes, that little skit is sweet. The beat owns so hard. I think I'm going to jack it and make a nice loop to flow on. I'm a rapper if you didn't know.

I call my mom up this afternoon as I get home, and she tells me I'm enrolled in Driver's Ed. My first class is November 17th, and from there and out for the next four weeks after that. The same week I start the class, I'll get my permit. That means that I'll get to start driving before school is out. Sweet indeed.

I'm still looking for the new Magno album. Can't find it anywhere. For those of you who don't know who Magno is, he's and up and coming rapper who tags along with his fellow first round draft pick Mike Jones who? Mike Jones. I started downloading it Friday, but only got about 50 megs done. I couldn't find the bot anymore so it's incomplete. The few songs I did get own pretty hard. He's got some skills, no doubt.

Friday in Geometry we got some Trigonometry(Integrated bull shit) work, and I had soooo much trouble. For some reason, the sin, cosin, and tangent part gave me a heart attack. If I wouldv'e payed more attentiong to what I was reading, I wouldn't have gotten yelled at today for not doing the homework. It was all right though, because in the end I ended up getting it. Funny how things work out, eh? >D

I haven't much else to write about, other then me giving Brittany an LJ code. She said that she had been wanting one forever, and I told her all she had to was ask. She should be making it now/soon, so there'll be another "Wills Pointer" on the LJ side of things.

I don't have anything else to talk about, so...

Goodbye LJ world,
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