man am I bored. it's easter and there isn't a damn thing going on. nothing is even on TV! i'm sitting here watching a DVD on my pc just to pass the time away, and playa some NHL game on XBOX at intervals. i decided that i'm gonna try to rap soon, bajaj. i have skills fo realz d00d. eff the throwback rydas, it's all about the braindead nigga(s). i've been having a shortage of new music lately due to laziness, which sucks. i haven't download the new Dark Lotus yet, which is surprising because it's getting semi-good reviews from PT and i liked the first album. i made some crap in photoshop the otherday, it's pretty good i think. it's not "emo" or whatever, just stuff that i made whilst being bored. the first has the teddy bear and the grave site because the person i took the stock photos from recently lost a baby to miscarriage, so i felt bad for her. the second is just like a neverending race.
Goodbye. Someday. if you will, comment with some good music to download because i could use some.