
May 25, 2005 16:44

Stupid essay marks have the ability to ruin my day.

I got my Australian foreign policy essay back today (worth 50% of my grade) and I got a very modest 56%, reduced from 58% due to me handing it in one day late.

The annoying thing is that my tutor said it was a "solid essay, you have obviously done considerable research and thought about the issues." There were a couple of points which he suggested I could improve on. One I agree with, the other I'm going to email him about and try to get my mark improved.

Bah to that, that was one of the essays I felt really good about.

There were some good points about today though. I'd actually done the reading for my two tutorials and as a result contributed positively to both. That made me feel good.

Another thing that made me feel good was someone actually complimented me on the fact that I'm growing my hair and even how it looks now. Good stuff Lincoln - you made me feel better about myself after all the essay crap, cheers. :)
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