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IV. Partners
Kotetsu didn’t see much of Bunny for a week or so after the Martinez incident. Partially because the media wouldn’t give Barnaby a moment of peace, and partially since Kotetsu was still recuperating. His Hundred Power bluff had been necessary, and he didn’t regret it by a long shot, but once the imminent threat to the city had been dealt with, his battered body had more or less called it quits on him.
Which hadn’t stopped him from trying to go back to work the moment he could haul his sorry carcass out of bed. Nathan had caught him just as he was coming in and had dragged Kotetsu right back out just as quickly, all thunderous and terrifying in that way he got. Nathan had taken him home and bundled him straight into bed, fussing and lecturing the entire time. When he’d finally left, it had been with the deceptively mild suggestion that Kotetsu not show his face back at work until the doctor had given him the all clear.
Kotetsu had taken the suggestion to heart. He might be crazy, but he wasn’t suicidal.
So the time had been spent puttering around his apartment, catching up on sleep, watching old Hero TV reruns, and trying not to go stir crazy. The other heroes popped in from time to time with offerings of homemade cookies (Keith), beer (Antonio), and a mile high stack of old kung-fu movies (Pao-Lin). He was happy with the gifts and happier for the company, so much so that he wasn’t even annoyed that the other heroes who’d gotten their faces kicked in by Martinez had bounced back twice as fast.
Okay, maybe he was still annoyed, but only a little.
Even Bunny had managed to extricate himself from Lloyds’ media frenzy long enough to pop in.
The doorbell startled Kotetsu out of a light doze. He blinked blearily at the clock. Almost midnight, who could it be at this hour? Levering himself off the couch, Kotetsu ignored the twinge in his side and hobbled to the door.
Bunny was standing on his doorstep, looking a little tired but otherwise pretty good. Something about him just seemed... lighter, like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. It was good to see. “Heeey, Bunny. Come in, come in.”
He stepped aside, and Barnaby asked, “How are you feeling?” before he was through the threshold.
Kotetsu ran a hand through his hair and did his best not to look like a hobo who’d been living on his couch for a week. Probably failed. “Good as new!” he declared, flashing a wide grin, and it was only a tiny fib.
Bunny hummed in reply, quirking an eyebrow that said ‘I know you’re lying’ in no uncertain terms. Kotetsu deflated a little. “Well, my side still hurts a little, but it’s no big deal. I’m going crazy being cooped up all day!”
Bunny’s expression softened a bit, but before he could reply, his bracelet went off.
Kotetsu’s didn’t.
Snarling at his wrist in a way that would be funny in hindsight, Bunny took a step towards the door and hesitated, looking back at Kotetsu. He looked somewhere in the middle of angry, reluctant and distraught, and the realization that his partner didn’t want to leave warmed Kotetsu to his toes. “Go on,” he said with a smile. “Go catch some bad guys.”
Bunny nodded. “Get better soon, Kotetsu. It’s not the same without you.”
Then he was gone, which was for the best, so that he wouldn’t see Kotetsu grinning like a fool after him.
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