i'm kind of fucked.
I've decided not to go back to Columbia next year because I want to actually get a job after I graduate and if I stayed there I don't think I would. It seems like everyone at Columbia just sort of stays there... I don't know I can't describe it.
So i'm going to study English adn be a teacher. I want to double major in English and Women's Studies or something else... maybe another language... i have yet to decide.
I think that teaching will give me more opportunities in life than animation or screen writing or anything with film will. Plus, its more stable of a job than anything with film could ever be. So, there ya go.
Now I have to find a new school. I applied at ISU & Governor's State so far. I still want to try to apply to Xavs (their application sucked) and a few other places. I kind of want a state school.
Oh and I'm pregnant. Read for more details.
Okay, so i lied. I just kind of wanted to see your reactions because i'm that much of an asswhole. ^_^