Ah, I've become forgetful in my old age. I forgot to pimp this interview that I saw on TWoP.
Jason Dohring got interviewed by the VM recapper!! The fact that JDoh has Wonderfalls on DVD just furthur proves that he is the winner of the universe. Who else misses the hell out of VM even though it's got that ANNOYINGPOINTLESS!BABY subplot? I've convinced myself that it's something that has a large significance to the end of season and I choose to block it from my memory until the completely jaw-dropping season capper. Jesus, anything involving Duncan this season is crap crap and more crap. How about this season he gets really friendly with the front of a speeding bus? Yes? Cool.
I'm also excited for teh Wallace. Agh! He's too fugging adorble that if I think about him for too long, I will probably pass out.