
Ficlet - I Wuv U

Feb 05, 2008 18:15

I sat down to write today, but none of my ongoing stories would co-operate. So I wrote this instead, I'm not all that sure about it to be honest, So locked to flist for the moment. Many thanks to miss_zedem and fairyd123 for the beta.

Title: I Wuv U
Rating: G
Spoilers: very minor ones for 2x01

Summary: Jack gets an unexpected Valentine's card

Jack set the suspect object on his desk and looked at it thoughtfully. A simple piece of card, clearly handmade, folded in half with the words ‘I Wuv U’ written above a picture of puppies. Jack didn’t think anyone on the team would give him such a thing, but it had been on his desk when he came into the office this morning. In theory there wasn’t anyone else who could leave it there. It could have come though the rift, he supposed; it wouldn’t have been the strangest thing. Although it did have ‘to my darling Jack’ written on the inside. Then again Jack wouldn't be the most unusual name for good century or so yet, if it had come though the rift, it wasn’t necessarily for him. Jack didn’t recognise the hand writing, although there was something familiar about it. The only other option was that someone had broken into the hub, bypassing the most advanced security systems on the planet, just to leave him a badly made Valentine’s card.

No, most likely it was one of the team.

The first suspect was Ianto, it didn’t seem like a card Ianto would leave but the Welshman had an often bizarre sense of humour. Jack waited until mid-morning and then caught him when he was opening up the tourist office.

“Ianto?” he asked trying to keep the nervous curiosity out of his voice. “Did you give me a Valentine’s card?”

“No,” replied Ianto, looking flummoxed. “Erm… did you want one?”

Jack sighed inwardly. They were both so useless at talking about feelings or relationships that neither of them knew where they stood. Jack kept waiting for it to get easier but it just kept getting more confusing. Stupid 21st century rules. Not even the natives understood them.

“No, well… not unless you want to. I didn’t get you one…” Smooth, Harkness, yep doing well here. “There was one on my desk this morning; I wondered who it was from.”

Ianto visibly relaxed, going back to straightening the display of leaflets and walking over to flip the 'closed' sign to 'open'. “It’s most likely from Gwen, she gave everybody one.” He motioned to the desk.

Jack turned to see a small shop bought card standing by the computer. “Mine wasn’t like that…” he said carefully. Gwen arrived just then, looking flustered.

“Oh Jack, there you are. Is it still okay for me to go?”

Jack looked confused.

“My dress fitting?” She looked a little desperately between Jack and Ianto.

“Yeah,” replied Jack. “Sorry I forgot, yes, off you go.”

Gwen looked relieved. “Thanks I’ll be as quick as I can, but I’ve had to cancel three times already and if I’m not careful I’ll end up in Rhys’ mum’s old dress.”

“Meringue?” asked Ianto with a smirk.

Gwen rolled her eyes. “You have no idea.” She headed towards the door then stopped, rifling though her bag. “Ooops almost forgot, Happy Valentine’s Day!” She handed a red envelope to Jack and hurried out the door. Jack opened it to find a twin to Ianto’s card inside. He opened the card and read the message.

“Glad to have you back, even if it did take long enough. Love Gwen x x”

Jack smirked. “What did yours say?” he asked Ianto.

“Stop being a moody bugger, you're prettier when you smile,” recited Ianto with a smile that was indeed very pretty. “Tosh’s said, ‘You're absolutely gorgeous’. Owen won’t tell us what his said.”

Jack chuckled and pushed his card back into the envelope. “I still don’t know who sent me the other one.”

Ianto shrugged. “Maybe it was Owen’s idea of a joke?”

“Maybe,” replied Jack trying to force the niggling bad feeling away. Something about this was setting off alarm bells, but it wasn’t as though he could do anything about it now. He’d just have to wait and see if the other shoe dropped. Might be worth getting Tosh to beef up the security systems.

“Jack?” said Ianto carefully. “If you’re not doing anything after work would you like to come for a drink with me? It being Valentine’s Day and all.”

Jack grinned. “Ianto, are you asking me out on a date?”

“Depends. Are you saying yes?”

“I don’t know… you didn’t even get me a Valentine’s card,” teased Jack, shaking his head sadly, the effect slightly ruined by the grin he couldn’t shift.


Jack threw the card into the bin. He’d find out soon enough what it was all about. And tonight he had better things to think about.


John smirked to himself. It had been far too easy to break into the hub and leave the card. He could just imagine Jack driving himself crazy over it; he never could stand an unsolved mystery. He wished he could have found some way to see Jack’s reaction but it was too dangerous leaving recording devices in the hub. Too traceable. He contented himself with the knowledge that Jack would be unable to let this go for days, maybe weeks.

ianto jones, gwen cooper, torchwood, fiction, jack harkness

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