
For miss_zedem

Feb 04, 2008 22:20

Happy Birthday!

This is a very tiny Ianto/Scott ficlet for you...

It was the worlds worst hotel room. Just off Soho. Ianto lay in the hazy pre-dawn light listening to the rain and trying not to think.

Trying not to think about how clean the sheets aren’t. Trying not to think that the sun was coming up and really one of them should have left hours ago. Leaving together in the morning is far too risky. Trying not to think that they’ve used this hotel three times this month, they shouldn’t use it again, someone is going to find out.

Scott shifts in his sleep, mumbling something incoherent. Ianto tightens his arms slightly round the older man automatically. Scott smiles softly and moves further into Ianto’s embrace.

Ianto is waiting to feel wrong. This is wrong, for so many reasons, but the feeling just won’t come. It’s like the first time he kissed Jack. He’d been told all his life that even wanting to kiss another boy was wrong but when it happened it just felt… right.

Jack. Trying not to think about Jack. Not thinking about the way he sleeps and comparing it to Scott. Jack moves around more, and usually they end up with Jack holding Ianto, almost the same way that Ianto’s now holding Scott.

He briefly wonders how Scott sleeps when he’s with Richard, then hurriedly adds it to the list of things he tries not to think about.

So Ianto doesn’t think. He just allows himself this moment, safe and warm, curled up with the man he loves far more than he should. Listening to the rain against the window. Watching the gentle rise and fall of his breath and knowing, in this moment, that everything is utterly perfect.

A/N Scott (and this version of Ianto) is from the lovely AU ouvretesyeux created by maverick0324 and athousanderrors. This story fits in with the AU of the AU written by miss_zedem. Confused yet?

ouvretesyeux, birthday

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