
Torchwood Drabbles

Nov 23, 2007 12:36

Because my f-list is too good at indulging me when I ask for prompts...

Title: Lightbulb
Prompt by jadesfire2808

Torchwood had a very detailed and precise safety procedure for employees follow when investigating alien artifacts. Admittely they didn't always follow it but this time Ianto insisted as neither Tosh nor Jack had even the slightest clue as to what it was.

Of course it took Ianto raising his eyebrow in no uncertain terms to get Jack to admit that.

They isolated it in a secure room. Everyone had to wear hazmat suits, and Owen checked them out everyday before they left the Hub.

It made it all the more disappointing when it turned out to be a spent lightbulb...

Title: Testosterone
Prompt by izzywhizzy - Male stupidity

"How did they get in this mess?" growled Gwen. Annoyed at being called away from her anniversary dinner with Rhys.

Tosh wasn't much happier. "Testosterone," she replied. "Owen was bragging then Jack said he could do better. I've no idea what possessed Ianto to get involved."

Andy came out to them with Owen, Jack, and Ianto in tow. Jack was grinning, but the other two at least looked contrite. Andy looked so smug Gwen feared he might explode, a smug Andy was never good.

"Next time," said Andy with broad smirk, " I'll do them for public indecency, Torchwood or not!"

Title: Anything
Prompt by love_jackianto

“Anything Jack,” Ianto reminded him with glee.

“I’m sure I didn’t,” replied Jack, assessing the likelihood of being able to reach an exit.

“You told Gwen you’d do ‘anything it took’ to get her to forgive you after you disappeared off with the Doctor.” Jack didn’t answer just looked at Ianto pleadingly

Ianto gave him a look that managed to remind him how much they’d all worried about him.

That gave Jack a warm feeling, knowing that he’d been missed.

Jack tried his best to adjust the belt, before stepping out to meet the hoard of evil.


Title: It's Just a Rabbit
Prompt by fatchickengirl - Jack/Ianto and a cute bunny (the animal not the plot kind)!

“Where did it come from?” asked Ianto with a deep distrust.

“It just turned up his morning,” replied Jack picking up the creature and setting it on his lap. The rabbit looked startled for a moment, then sniffed Jack’s trousers.

“What are you doing?!”

“Stroking the bunny… And that sounds like it should be a euphuism,” chuckled Jack.

“We have no idea where it came from, Sir.”

“Ianto, it’s just a rabbit. Do you have some bunny issues I should know about…?”

The rabbit listened to the conversation going on over its head. ‘Silly humans, this would be too easy…

Title: Two Doctors
Prompt by talcat - Two Doctor's, Ten and any other, arguing over who's companion Ianto is going to be.

“Look!” said the Doctor exasperated beyond all belief. “He’s not your companion, he never was your companion, or I would remember it. So even if you do manage to somehow convince him, or… or trick him, or whatever you were going to do, all you’ll accomplish is a massive universe ending paradox.”

“Not necessarily,” replied the Doctor’s younger self airily. “You don’t even remember this conversation, so clearly something happens to our memory.”

The Doctor felt like banging his head against the nearest wall. He also doesn’t remember being this infuriating, although this incarnation did have a gift for it.

Title: Trifle
Prompt by tanarian

“Trifle?” asked Owen looking at the spaceship that was hovering over Cardiff on Tosh’s monitor.

“That’s what they said.”

“Or your translation programme is on the blink again,”

Tosh glared at her colleague, “Once Owen, it only went wrong once.”

“You got me sold into slavery!”

“So it wasn’t all bad,” interrupted Ianto. Tosh giggled.

“Ha!” exclaimed Jack, bounding into the hub with Gwen in tow. “I knew I knew these guys. They are the Amimon and they’re in the middle of a holy war.”

“About trifle?” asked Owen shooting Tosh a withering look.

“Yes actually. How did you know that?”


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