
Fic - Lock In

Sep 15, 2007 12:21

This fic is an extention of 'Tokio Hotel' which was a silly little story I posted - inspired by lady_razzle.

This was written because avon_09 is a menace and wanted to know what happened next. She fluttered her eylashes at me people! What else could I do? This is abit out of my writing comfort zone so I hope it's okay.

Title: Lock In
Author: szm
Rating: R/NC17
Pairing: Jack/Ianto

Betaed by avon_09 (a menace I tell you!)

Jack stood at the doorway watching Ianto tidy up the tourist office. Everyone else had gone home; this was something Ianto always did before he locked up the Hub. It was almost like a ritual. It took him about fifteen minutes; Jack could never tell any difference. It was tidy when he started and tidy when he finished, but Ianto assured him it was essential. Jack didn’t really mind it was fun to stand and watch him, getting Ianto all flushed and flustered.

And yep it was working today. Ianto glanced back at Jack and Jack made a point of grinning slowly and running his eyes pointedly over Ianto’s body before looking him in the eye. Ianto blushed really prettily and looked away.

“Jack,” he said to the box of leaflets on the desk. “I’m working, come back later.”

“Nope,” said Jack with a leer. “I’m enjoying the view.”

Ianto sighed and continued restocking the leaflets. Jack wondered idly if he could unsettle Ianto enough to make him drop something. He'd never seen Ianto drop anything before. Ianto grabbed Jack by the wrist and pulled him in front of the computer.

“There, stare at you tube for a bit. I’ve got to finish this,” said Ianto, deftly avoiding Jack’s attempts at a quick grope. Jack pouted but Ianto didn’t even look. “And don’t try pouting at me I’m not looking. I’m working.”

Jack turned to the computer mumbling under his breath.

“Accusing me of being OCD is unlikely to get you laid Jack,” chuckled Ianto.

Jack ran an eye down Ianto’s favourites list, nothing that sounded like porn. Jack clicked on a random link. A music video started playing, something in German by the sound of it. Ianto started singing the song unconsciously under his breath which Jack gods help him, thought was kind of sweet. Jack hadn’t thought anyone was sweet since Estelle.

Jack forced his attention back to the screen. “Ianto?” he said after a minute or two. “Are these two sleeping together?”

“Hmm?” replied Ianto. “Which two?”

“The singer and the guy in the hat,” clarified Jack gesturing to the screen.

Ianto choked and nearly, nearly dropped the empty coffee mugs he was holding. “No Jack,” he said carefully, “because they are brothers. Twins actually.”

“I dated twin acrobats once,” shrugged Jack. “The singer’s is awfully intense, and he’s staring right at his brother. What’s the song about?”

“I know about the acrobats Jack,” said Ianto rolling his eyes. “Half of Cardiff knows about the acrobats, it’s your favourite story.”

“Uh-huh, stop avoiding the question. I know you speak German, what’s the song about.”

“It doesn’t matter Jack,” said Ianto walking past Jack through the bead curtain to the closet where he kept the hover. “They are not having sex, because they are brothers. I like this song, don’t ruin it okay?”

“Whatever,” replied Jack walking towards Ianto. “Next thing you’ll be telling me that Orlando Bloom is completely straight.

“Really, there’s no need to be silly. Jack!” Ianto exclaimed the last word as Jack gently pushed him inside the closet and pulled the door closed behind them.

It was a fairly tight squeeze inside but Ianto managed to turn around so they were face to face.

“Hi there beautiful," said Jack breathily leaning in to Ianto. He cupped Ianto’s head and pulled him into a kiss. Ianto moaned quietly into Jack’s mouth and kissed him back.

When Jack pulled away he could just make out Ianto smirking by the light spilling round the edges of the door. “You’ve locked us in the closet.”

Jack shrugged. “It’s a cliché I know.” He leaned in for another kiss but Ianto stopped him with a hand on his chest.

“No, you’ve actually locked us in. The door doesn’t open from this side; we’re stuck until someone lets us out.” Luckily Jack could hear the smile in Ianto’s voice. He was clearly seeing the funny side.

“Oops?” chuckled Jack into Ianto’s shoulder nuzzling at the skin just above his shirt collar.

Ianto dropped his hands to Jack’s hips and pulled the other man even closer. “I think we can pass the time. But you better hope Owen isn’t the first one in tomorrow.”

Jack grinned lifting his head to kiss Ianto again. “Good odds,” he whispered against Ianto’s mouth. “Plus this is definitely worth the risk.”

Ianto let Jack deepen the kiss while he slid his hands up Jack's chest and pushed the braces over the older man’s shoulders. Pulling Jack’s shirt out from his trousers he slid his hands underneath to find yet more fabric. Jack kissed his way down Ianto’s neck feeling the growl of frustration in Ianto’s throat.

“How many layers, Jack?” asked Ianto, pulling the undershirt up as well and finally getting his hands on Jack’s skin. .

“You can talk,” chuckled Jack, fingers dancing over the buttons on Ianto’s waistcoat and pushing it off. He pulled Ianto away from the wall long enough to get the waistcoat out of the way, dropping it onto the hoover that was digging into Jack’s right shin.

Ianto tried not to wince at the treatment of his clothes and distracted himself by concentrating on the feel of the smooth warm skin under his hands. Tracing random patterns up Jack's chest as Jack struggled with the buttons on Ianto’s shirt.

Finally they were both free of shirts, and waistcoats. Jack cupped Ianto though his trousers, he groaned and his head hit the wall behind him. There was a sound of something falling and a sloshing noise. Ianto tried to turn his head to see what had fallen.

“Jack…” he started.

Jack leaned into Ianto’s body, his chest brushing against the younger man’s. He whispered against Ianto’s ear, “Stay with me, let it go, not important.”

“Not… not important,” agreed Ianto as Jack undid his belt and trousers, slipping his hand inside.

Jack smirked to himself at the choked off gasp that Ianto made, and the way he clung to Jack's shoulders. He buried his face in the other man’s neck. Ianto smelt of coffee, and the slightly damp smell that Jack associated with the hub, and something else. Cinnamon maybe.

Jack worried at the junction of neck and shoulder, because it was there and it smelt really good. Rubbing himself against Ianto’s hip and concentrating on the feel of Ianto, hot and heavy in his hand. Ianto was shuddering against him and babbling nonsense in his ear that Jack didn’t have the focus to decipher. And it was the best feeling in the world, to have someone, to have Ianto fall apart in his arms like this.

Ianto called out ‘Jack!’ and slumped against him. Jack just held on to him for a moment before lifting the other man’s head and giving him a sloppy kiss.

Ianto looked dazed, he smiled a lop-sided grin at Jack and said, “Hey.”

Jack chuckled, “Hey, yourself.”

Just then to prove that the universe does have a sense of timing, they heard Tosh’s voice outside.

“Ianto… Jack, nothing’s locked up. Are you ok? Ianto?”

Jack reached behind himself and banged on the door while Ianto hastily did his trousers back up. Not that it would make much difference; it was obvious what they’d been doing.

“In here Tosh,” called Jack.

Tosh opened the door to be greeted by the sight of Ianto and Jack topless and definitely rumpled, in a closet that smelt of sex and spilled cleaning chemicals. Jack smirked at the play of emotion across Tosh’s face, worry, shock, anger and just a little bit of lust. Jack couldn’t really argue with the last one. He knew he looked good, but Ianto? Half dressed and messy, yeah that was hot.

Ianto and Tosh blushed and stuttered at each other for a few minutes, then Tosh grabbed her house keys from the tourist office desk where she’d left them and hurried out the door.

Ianto glared at Jack but it was clearly half-hearted. He turned to look at the remains of the cleaning cupboard. Their clothes were soaked in whatever had been spilled.

“You’re lucky I like you,” said Ianto with a sigh.

Jack had to agree with that.

ianto jones, toshiko sato, torchwood, fiction, fandom, jack harkness

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