
Moar Five Things!

Apr 18, 2009 23:12

No I haven't finshed them yet. Shut up!

From the Five Things meme. This one is for my lovely tanarian

Five times that Ianto Jones Confounded The Doctor

“What are you doing?” asked Donna. She walked into the console room with a towel wrapped around her head. “This place has the best showers ever!”

The Doctor turned and grinned. “The Tardis is the greatest space and time ship in the known universe. In all aspects. And I am on Ebay.”

“Ebay?” asked Donna moving closer and peering over his shoulder. “The complete James Bond box set? What do you need that for? You’ve probably been to most the opening nights?”

“All of them, love James Bond. It’s the chase!” replied the Doctor excitedly. “Ebay is fantastic! There’s only a few seconds left on this auction. I’m going to win!”

Donna rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to speak

“I don’t believe it!” shouted the Doctor.

“What?” asked Donna.

“I got outbid! Him again? Somebody called I.Jones in Cardiff.” The Doctor fruitlessly tapped away at the keyboard.

Donna just shrugged. “Whatever. Is there a hair dryer of this ship then?

[Meanwhile at the Hub]

Jack’s voice rang out over the comms. “Ianto! Are you on Ebay again?”

“Erm… no?” replied Ianto hastily closing the screen.

The lights were flashing all across the console. Chasing each other up and down. There was a deep bell chiming loudly.

“What the hell is the matter?” shouted Jack over the noise of the bell and a hundred different alarms all screaming that something, somewhere, was very, very wrong.

“I don’t know!” replied the Doctor a large mallet in one hand and the other running through his hair. “I’ve tried everything!”

Just then Ianto padded in wearing pyjama bottoms. Wincing at the feel of bare feet on the grating of the floor. “W’ats goin’ on?” he asked sleepily.

Jack opened his mouth to answer but before he could speak Ianto gently took the mallet from the Doctor and gently tapped a flashing mauve light. Nothing happened, if anything the noise got louder. Then he tipped his head to one side, frowned, and swung the mallet at it much harder. The lights and the noise stopped, to be replaced by the gentle hum of the Tardis.

“You’re welcome,” he said. Although he didn’t appear to be talking to Jack or the Doctor. Then he turned to the Doctor. “Do you mind keeping it down. Mere mortal humans need sleep after all.” And with that he padded back to his room.

Jack laughed when he saw the Doctor’s shocked expression. “Don’t try to figure him out Doc. Trust me on this.”


The Doctor stood outside the Tourist Office entrance to the Hub. He sighed as a piece of hair dropped in front of his eyes. A new body was always hard to get used too.

He took a deep breath. Humans always had strange reactions to the regeneration process, Torchwood or not he didn’t really expect Jack’s friends to be any different. He pushed the door open and walked inside. The bell rang.

“I love those bells,” he said cheerily. “They are brilliant!” He frowned. “No, that doesn’t work like this does it?”

Ianto Jones was behind the counter. He looked up and flashed the Doctor a bland smile. “Hello Doctor, I should imagine you’re here to see Jack?”

The Doctor was a little taken aback. “You know who I am?”

Ianto’s bland smile turned into a smirk. “Of course.”

“Have you met me like this before?” asked the Doctor waving at his new body.

“Nope,” said Ianto. “But Torchwood has kept records of your appearances in the empire since it was formed. There are thirteen different faces on file for you.”

The Doctor stared at Ianto open mouthed. “Thirteen? So you know all…” He stopped and looked thoughtful. “So, do I ever get to be ginger?”


Every companion copes with the Tardis in different ways. Most try not to think about it. Time doesn’t really exist here in the same way as everywhere else. Trying to keep track would drive you mad.

Ianto Jones is not mad. He seems perfectly normal, for a human. He’s polite and calm and good in a crisis. Which obviously is a bonus when travelling with the Doctor.

Which makes it all the more confounding when the Doctor finds them. Stashed in a small storage closet that he had forgotten he had.

Clocks. Nearly one hundred broken clocks. Broken because travelling through Time will do that to the best clock.

So maybe Ianto Jones does have one or two issues with Time Travel after all?


The Doctor parked the Tardis in the usual place on top of the rift. Time to recharge again. He wasn’t surprised by the banging on the door. It was probably Jack, the Doctor grinned to himself. In a lot of ways travelling alone was good, he could go where he liked when he liked. He didn’t have to worry about what his companions constitution could cope with. But it was lonely. I would be nice to talk to Jack again.

The Doctor bounced over to the door and swung it open only to find instead of a smiling Captain there was a very irate Ianto Jones.

“You…” said Ianto struggling for the words. “You absolute idiot!”

“I’m sorry?” asked the Doctor a little confused by the turn of events.

“Donna! What the hell were you thinking?”

“I’m sorry? What?” repeated the Doctor.

Ianto took a deep breath. “You locked all that knowledge away. But she’s still half a Time Lord. Do you have any ideahow many hostile aliens have try to kidnap, kill, or otherwise hurt her? And we can’t even tell her the problem! Jack’s practically had to move down to London. His vortex energy hides her Time Lord readings, at least at a distance.”

The Doctor had the grace to look embarrassed. “I didn’t think… I wanted her to be safe”

Ianto looked at him and seemed to soften slightly. “I can understand, I guess. I have to go. Martha and Gwen are running the hub I just popped back to check on them. I promised Jack I wouldn’t be long.” Ianto smirked. “Donna keeps hitting on him. He’s kinda scared of her.”

The Doctor smirked back, but it seemed sad. “That’s my Donna. Would you like a lift?”

doctor - ten, ianto jones, torchwood, fiction, fandom, five things, doctor who, jack harkness

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