
Being Human, Doctor Who, and an Adipose

Oct 31, 2008 18:29

Today I bought an Adipose and found a copy of SFX with Sylvester McCoy on it. Good day :-). Of course I didn't get any of the things I actually went shopping for but *shrug*. I chose to draw a veil over that.

There are six episodes to be aired in the new year *happy dance*. It's being rebooted, (although they are trying not to call it a reboot)which means new actors for Mitchell and Annie. That is a crying shame, I liked the actors they had but I'm going to keep an open mind. The new actors could be better, you never know. The vampires are getting a make over becoming more 'down to earth'. This mean no more Adrian Lister as Henrik. Again a shame but I'm willing to see where they go with that... They say it's going to be 'sharper and funnier' which is a phrase that fills me with dread, generally when people try to make things funnier they can miss the point a bit (think the Buffy movie).

But all in all... WOO HOO! More Being Human!

Davd Tennant is leaving Who. Which is sad, but kinda exciting in a way. Now we all get to play "whose going to be the next doctor?". It's going to be interesting, getting to see a new Doctor.

Best of luck to Mr Tennant. And thank you for the last three years (plus the specials to come.)

It's very annoying when you have lots of ideas but they wont go down on paper the way you want. *pouts*

I'd quite like to write a Merlin fic, but Merlin's voice is hard and Arthur isn't much better. Gwen gets on my nerves when I try to write her, although I like her when I watch her just fine.

Torchwood is not any better. I keep getting so far then realising the plot doesn't work.

*le sigh*

Anyway enough of my wittering. How is everyone in lj-land?

Also, Happy Halloween!

being human, doctor who, annie, fandom, mitchell, writing update

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