
Fic - Five Things That Never Happened to Toshiko Sato

Oct 01, 2008 17:28

Title: Five Things That Never Happened to Toshiko Sato
Author: szm
Rating: G
Spoilers: Vauge ones for season two


Tosh lost all sense of time. She just spent hour after hour curled up on the floor of her cell. Sometimes there was food, sometimes they’d drag her out to wash or exercise. Tosh sometimes wondered why they didn’t just kill her. Most of the time she didn’t care anymore.

The door to her call opened. A man was framed in the light.

He started talking, so fast after so long of being barely spoken to that she could only just keep up. “Hello, come on lets get you up.”

He helped her stand and she leaned heavily on his arm.

“Honestly, UNIT’s changed since my day. Never the same after the Brigadier retired. I saw your sonic disrupter by the way.” His smile was blinding. “Interesting. Fascinating really. How did you come up with the idea to link the power directly through the control circuit?”

He stopped so Tosh presumed he wanted an answer. “I… I just followed the plans…”

The man gave her an appraising look. “Oh you are brilliant!” and the blinding smile was back again. “So Miss Sato? Where do you want to go?”

“They’re letting me go?” asked Tosh excited.

The man sniffed. “Well, letting, no. They don’t know I’m here.” He grinned again “I’m breaking you out!”

“But, what about my Mother?” asked Tosh weakly.

The man nodded. “Of course. We’ll go and see her first. Then… maybe Barcelona?” He lead Tosh out of the cell, there was a marked lack of guards.

“Who are you!?” asked Tosh just as the alarms sounded.

“I’m the Doctor,” he replied. “How are you at running?” He caught her hand and they ran.


Tosh honestly though her heart would burst. Jack walked her down the aisle. Gwen behind them as her maid of honour. Tosh smiled at her mother as she past her, her mum was wiping away tears but she was smiling too. Ianto was the best man and he gave the groom at quick slap on the back to stop him from staring and nodded his approval to Tosh’s dress.

“He should,” thought Tosh with an internal giggle. “He spent three hours convincing me to buy this one.” Seeing the look on her husband-to-be’s face now she was glad she’d taken Ianto’s advice.

Jack who seemed to be mind reading leaned in and whispered. “He’d look like that at you if you wore a bin bag.” Jack smiled at her warmly and gave her a peck on the cheek.

Tosh took her place at the altar and felt a slight pang that Owen had refused to come. But today she was marrying Tommy and she couldn’t be happier.


Tosh looked at the results pinned to the wall with growing horror. She’d failed computer science.


When Tosh woke up her head ached. Bits and piece of the night before seeped into her consciousness. They involved alcohol. Lots of it.

Suddenly she realised that this wasn’t her bed. It was a hotel room. A really nice one and, she blushed fiercely, she was naked and… well sticky.

She racked her brain but she couldn’t remember who she’d left the pub with the night before. Still whoever they were they seemed to be gone now. She could pull her clothes on and make her escape. If she could find her clothes that was.

Just as a she swung her legs out of bed the door opened. She yelped and dove back under the covers.

“Good morning Gorgeous,” drawled Captain John Hart.


Tosh’s first day and she wanted to make a good impression. Yvonne Hartman gave the small group of new employees the tour. Well of the areas they had access to anyway, then they sat through the most boring induction lecture ever. Finally they were allowed to go for lunch.

Tosh sat in the canteen eating a salad she’d brought from home. She felt a little overwhelmed.

“May I sit here?” asked a pleasant male voice with a soft Welsh accent.

“Of course,” said Tosh with a start, she went to pick up her bag but it tipped and the contents fell out on to the floor. “Sorry,” he said blushing and sliding of her chair.

“Don’t worry about it,” chuckled the man. He bent down to help her. “First day?” he asked.

Tosh grimaced. “That obvious?” she asked.

“You do have that ‘deer in the headlights’ look,” he agreed. “Where do you work?”

“Research and Development,” replied Tosh.

“When they finally let you down there right?” grinned the man, helping her up and handing her back her bag. He was taller than Tosh, but then so were most people. He wore a nice looking suit and had dark hair. Tosh felt herself blush again. “I’m Ianto Jones,” said the man. “I’m a researcher. But I work in the archives, not R&D.” He held out his hand for Tosh to shake.

“Toshiko Sato,” said Tosh shaking his hand.

Ianto smiled. “Well Miss Sato, may I join you for lunch?”

Tosh smiled back, “Only if you call me Tosh.”

toshiko sato, torchwood, fiction, fandom

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