I don't blog anymore

Jun 27, 2006 17:57

Somehow it doesn't seem to be my habit to blog in the morning before I start work. Hubby complained again just the other day that i've stopped blogging.

No motivation to do work ley. The more I look into what I'm doing, the more unfeasible it looks and the more it seems like it should just be left as a concept. Other players already doing something similar what... Feels as though I am just passing my days here. Waiting for something, but dunno waiting for what also. Wish Hubby would just start earning a ton of money and I can stay home and do my beading.

Think I am lacking in PASSION. interestingly, that is the theme for my event coming up. PASSION being something that is from inside, motivation being external, and PASSION being something that cannot easily be passed on from one person to the next, instead, it must come from within...out of nothingness?

Plus, have not been feeling well lately. Maybe my lethargy has reduced my passion. or maybe my passion was not to be doing anymore coding. I have no desire to make buildings smarter. I just wish there was some job available here that just allows me to liaise with people. Hmm. maybe I should look into purchasing or sales or solution architect. Either that, or I've got to read up more and be some technology evangelist. Haiyah. Somehow I think technology evangelist also need to do some coding. sianz.

OK la. Maybe it's time to move on to something non-technical you think?
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