the frustration of work... thank goodness for the holiday season!

Dec 06, 2005 18:28

work has just been frustrating. a very biased me just wants to slap *someone's* face everytime i see *him* and i can't even stand listening to *his* voice! i guess i share the same sentiment as S when he says he can't stand *him* anymore! somemore, everytime that *someone* has been trying to allocate work to me with blatant hints (ie: ok, we're going to do this this this) , i look *him* point blank with a slight du-lan look and ask him, "Ok. so who's doing what?" This can't go on!! i can't wait till he goes for holiday!

went to Zak's wedding on Saturday (and got scolded for taking ice-cream which was MISTAKENLY communicated as being for children only, but was actually for EVERYONE) and went with hubby, mama flo, Mr CL, dotter gin, mel & purple to go say hi to YY and grab some kopi.
Mr CL left to attend wedding dinner while the rest of us headed to Marina Square for shopping and kBOX! sing until 2 am and reached home at 3 plus ar...

Mama flo tells me METALLIC is IN! so i must hurry up go and wrap myself in aluminium foil, then i'll be damn cool! heeheee....:D i found this pretty bracelet thingy for star to wear during her wedding. it matches her evening gown!

reached church very late (i drove there!) and went back home for chu qian yi ding noodles. the weather was so hot that hubby was having this perpetual headache (i drove home!). hot good for sleeping, so we both collapsed on the sofa until it was time to pick up hubby's boss from airport. after hubby was done with his grown-up-men-work-business, we headed over to marina square for dinner (at ramen place with COLLAGEN soup) and retrieve the bottle of fruit wine (kiwi! and i don't mean di's other half...) that we left at kBOX the night before.

ey. think today my entry seems like i'm just typing out whatever comes to my mind while i recall events that happened over the weekend.

y didn't i blog yesterday? hubby sustained this massive abrasion (never run marathon oso got abrasion) on his left chest. it's BIG and RAW and WET. wah. sounds so kinky hor. lolx. anyway, i was tasked to apply yellow lotion GENTLY with a COTTON BALL. hubby SO-CANNOT take pain lor.

*me dabs little bit of yellow lotion GENTLY and LIGHTLY*
*hubby gives massive wince and screws face up*

haiyah. thank goodness hubby is MAN, otherwise how he give birth?? how he tahan menstrual cramps?? ok la. i better not suan hubby too much. later he du lan me how? :P what if he decides that (horror of horrors) i should drive us around??? :`(

aiyah. i wan to go home leow. blog again tml bah.
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