this may perhaps be inspired by lain. A bit. Maybe.

Oct 11, 2010 22:28


and back online and God, God, this was good, and the colors in her eyes and the talk swirled her screen and she dove into the first poollistserv shining with annoyance and she calmed it, she alone, and she walked out it rolled off her, water off a duck's back and hate off of hers and God, God, this was good and she took another thread and jumped in, made five of herself and jumped in, argued with her own accounts until someone came along and she pulled them in and then there were six talking, but really only two, and then there were seven and eight and she let it go, took her five selves out and it stood alone but spread out roots and she went and oh God, God, this was good and she went into a third, typing furiously, massively, a great wall of her that pushed that one off the edge and into flying, foaming rage, hilarious rage, rage to mock and mock she did and mock they did and she left it and it stood as she had built it and God, God, she was good!

Eventually she got offline.

Then she went downstairs.

Then she ate her breakfast.

Then she went to school.

Then she took notes, dozing.

Then she tapped her pencil on the desk.

Then the classes changed.

Then she took notes, dozing.

Then she tapped her pencil on the desk.

Then she watched the board for patterns.

Then the classes changed.

Then she took dozing notes.

Then the pencil tapped.

Then it was lunch.

Then she ate.

Then there was another class.

Then she did that.

Then there was another class.

Then school was finished.

Then she came home.

Then she went upstairs.

And then?

then she went online and up onto her pedestal and surveyed her lands and her bright shores she had built and she threw out threads of conversation and then the people hooked on and they got nervous and some tried to flee but she held them tight and others tried to talk and she strung them along and then she started tying the lines and people noticed each other and read of each other and talked of each other and ganged up on her and didn't notice as she tied the lines and tied the lines until she had a net and she slipped through the cracks and and oh the Net was bright and talkative and happy tonight! Oh, it was good! Oh, it was God! Oh, she was God!

short stories

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