(no subject)

May 04, 2009 14:33

I just noticed that I kind of dropped off the face of the earth again for over a month. The reason? I had to finish my Bachelor's Paper. Yes, we can't graduate without them *grumbles*

Now, 2 million cups of coffee, one nervous breakdown, several temper tantrums and an accident with a teabag later I am almost done. Meaning I still have to make my abstract look presentable and hope that nothing, I repeat nothing changes in the formatting. And that word will still believe me that there really, truyly, seriously is a Figure 17 and not just 16 and 18 when I'm done.

We have to hand them in on Wednesday. After that, I think I will sleep for 3 days straight and then do all the things I have been planning to do for a while but had to postpone:
- beat up my friend Linda who actually put pictures of me in my bra on the German facebook ripoff and had the nerve to tag me on them as well (I'm well aware that only people who are friends with her can see the pictures, but I still don't think that all of them need to know my underwear, thank you very much).
- Clean up my room really thoroughly
- Teach my roommate how to do the trash separation thing again (for the twentieth time, I think)
- See X-Men: Wolverine
- Play beachvolleyball until my arms fall off and get a tan while doing so
- Apply for Grad School
- make a biiiiiiiig, huge apple pie and eat it with vanilla ice cream on top

Yeah, that sounds good. Life will be great after this Wednesday of Doom!

Updated to say: Yup, Figure 17 is gone again. Surprise.

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