Ri's semi-annual live journal update

May 27, 2008 21:37

At least, that's what it seems like to me.

The reason this time: My flight leaves Vienna sometime around noon on June 26th 2008, and will land @ New York's JFK airport sometime around 3 pm. I am going to touch United States ground for the first time in twelve years...

Anyway, apart from the intoxicating thought of being in the same country as Jensen Ackles (on the wrong coast, though) for eight months I figured there's other people there I know, or used to know who I'd love to meet at least once in my life.

So you know, if any of you who are located somewhere within reasonable range of Connecticut (I hope I'll manage to get my hands on a car quickly) would like me to come and visit for a day or something I'd be delighted =)
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