LJ Interests Meme

Sep 21, 2005 00:13

LJ Interests meme results
(from lissafay and lynerwi)
  1. books:
    Hey, I love books. Books are awesome. You can go anywhere, learn anything, find out what it's like to be someone else...all without spending any money or leaving wherever you are. Broad horizons, and all that.
    Yeah, they're fun.
  2. cuddling:
    So very important in a relationship. Cuddling on the couch...cuddling in the car...cuddling in bed....
  3. feeling grreeaat!:
    I saw this one on someone else's interest list and added it to mine. I can't read it without seeing Tony the Tiger and hearing him say it out loud...
    Oh. And yes. I do like feeling grreeaat! myself, too.
  4. homestar runner:
    It's a flash cartoon based on an unpublished kids' book, that's one heckuva lotta good clean fun ~ Tons of easter eggs, inside jokes, and the kind of silly childish humour that you don't really see anymore (in other words, very few innuendoes or bathroom jokes).
    If that's not your bag, you might not like it, but ah well. More for the rest of us.
  5. jokes:
    Any and all jokes. Even the ones that are in bad taste usually make me giggle.
  6. marriage:
    I'm married, so it would figure that I've got an interest in the subject.
  7. optimism:
    I try to be an optimist whenever possible. It's not a cop-out, or an opinion, but an attitude; I find it helps make life easier to handle. Just because things go wrong once doesn't mean they always will.
  8. sarah mclachlan:
    Beautiful singer who happens to live in the same city as me. One of her songs was the processional at our wedding, and quite a few of them hold great significance in our relationship.
  9. sunshine:
    Heh. I don't remember adding this one. I do quite like sunshine, but I like it best when it's streaming in the window while I'm at my computer.
  10. web design:
    Quite a passion of mine about which I've done virtually nothing for the past year. Ha. Ha. Ha.

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