Kitty post: Uh oh...Dante's sick

Aug 09, 2005 12:16

He's had crusties in his eyes for awhile now, from just rolling in the dirt. For the last couple days, he's had goop in the right one as well. Today he didn't beg to go outside, and I've just taken a closer look at him...he's having trouble opening the left one which also looks quite dry, and they're both real goopy to boot.

I'm afraid, of Mambo getting sick too, and not having the protection from it that he should, because he hasn't gotten his full round of vaccinations. I haven't even brought him outside yet because of that; I don't want him exposed to anything he's not protected against.

Dante was due for his shots last month, but I didn't bring either of them to the vet because I was waiting on some funds that didn't wind up coming through. To bring both of them in for a checkup, shots, worming and flea treatment is about $200. Right now, that's out of the question. Besides, even if I were to bring them in now, vaccinations on a sick cat don't do much good.

However. Here's what I'm thinking. I'll call the vet and find out some individual prices for:
~ Dante's shots
~ Dante's exam
~ Mambo's shots
~ Mambo's flea treatment (I've got some for Dante already, which Mambo's too small for)
~ Worming for each, and the necessity of doing it

In the meantime, I may segregate them to keep from spreading in case Dante's infectious; he won't be going outside for awhile.

At least I've got enough food and litter for both for a good while, and don't have to worry about getting Mambo neutered, or a heart murmur, or anything nasty and expensive like that. And I treated that little infection of his myself awhile back, that saved a lot of vet costs.

*knocks on wood*

2:55 pm: Dante's gotten worse since I first noticed this at noon, or maybe I'm just looking closer. Both eyes are goopy but the left one more so, and it's watering as well. He keeps rubbing it with his paw. His nose is running (he keeps licking it) and when he opens his mouth it makes that sound like when you've been breathing from your mouth all night. Plus he didn't purr even after I'd petted him for five minutes. That's not like him at all.

Research is in order.

I'd really hate if it turned out he's caught something from some other animal just because I didn't get his vaccinations updated.

I'm sick of money. I was supposed to be getting some recently, to cover everything I owe right now, and then that fell through; plus with being sick I missed a lot of work and got dinged for that...and yes, I'm pissed about both things. Very. But that's done and there's nothing I can do about either, so I've just got to move on and figure this out. I've managed before; I'll do so again.

They're segregated and now nobody's happy. If I'm with Mambo, Dante's scratching at the door and begging to go outside (I'm glad he's up to that, at least)...if I'm with Dante, Mambo's crying at the top of his little voice. I'm upset either way.

I just can't win.

dante_cat, mambo_cat, cats, frustration, disappointment, note_to_self, list, update, money, kitty_post

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