Finished Harry Potter.

Aug 06, 2005 17:40

  • Perhaps this was covered in one of the earlier books and I've completely forgotten: How is it that the house-elves can Apparate within Hogwarts, when it's repeatedly been made very clear that it is not only not allowed, but not possible, for ANYone to Apparate anywhere in the grounds? Indeed, many a key plot point has hinged on this very fact...yet there was no trouble when Kreacher and Dobby suddenly showed up a couple times.
  • The version I got was American, so it was strange to see double quotes around words, the word "sweater" in place of "jumper" and "Sorcerer's Stone" in place of "Philosopher's Stone". It's a British book, set in the U.K. Why not just leave these things be? (In Canada we get the British version; aside from it taking me awhile to remember what a "jumper" was, this hasn't been a problem. In fact, the single quotes help to remind me that people are speaking with British accents.)
  • I'd happened upon 2 spoilers ahead of time, and would like to say this to each of them:
    • "Ginny hooks up with Harry:" I had immediately assumed that the spoiler meant they *wound up together.* This is not entirely true. While they do get together in the book, they've broken up before the end.
    • "Snape kills Dumbledore:" I managed to convince myself that this guy had made up the worst possible spoiler he could just to be mean, and believed myself until the moment it happened.

And that's about it. I liked it very much. There were some things that I foresaw, and I always come away from a Harry Potter book thinking "That was so obvious, why didn't the characters figure it out sooner?!" about somet thing or another, but aside from that, I have enjoyed all of them thus far.

I just wish I had time, now, to read them again all the way through from the beginning.

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