I'm feeling better, so much so that I'm still at work an hour longer than I have done in weeks.
Mambo seems to have noticed this and is protesting in the only way he knows how ~ by crying in his most pathetic, pitiful, kittenish mew, while scratching at the door between my bedroom and the office.
Dante, meanwhile, was outside all day and only about an hour ago realized that the office window (which opens at eye level inside, but flush with ground level outdoors, right onto the garden) was open wide enough for him to come in. I caught him and shut it most of the way before he got dirt in the printer, thank goodness, and now he keeps coming to sit there, with his nose pushed in as far as it'll go, and meowing like I'm denying him some great reward.
It's not like they pay a whole lot of attention to me when I'm with them.
Silly cats.