It took a while, but it's finally here. Here we learn exactly why Lord Potter (and by extension the author) thinks that Ron needs to be killed for something his future self did in another timeline. And it's as bad as you think it is.
ITWATN Chapter 13 )
War aside going on up there...oh boy.
Which do you guys think is worse: this or Hogwarts: Exposed? And yes, szaleniec, I'm reading that all the way from the beginning :P hence the question on chapter 16. *sigh* here I thought My Immortal was I think it's hilarious.
I read her sporking of the first chapter of The Gang and couldn't go onward. I fear if I did, I would have to eat a gun out of sheer horror at that fic's depravity.
Hyperbole, but still:
Benedict: *pissing into a cup* Hm, allow me to describe this all in the most nausating detail possible. My author does get off on that, after all, though he usually prefers to hear about little girls doing it. Hey, let me make mention of my "quite flaccid penis", since I'm sure you were all wondering what state my twelve-year-old junk was in!
But yes, delayed reaction. I think my mind simply shutdown at first upon first reading...
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