Mar 03, 2004 11:44
i am bored so i think i'll fill this out.
[x] Name: ken.
[x] Birth date: 1.9.86, take out the dots and you got 1986 !
[x] Birthplace: Granada Hills, CA
[x] Current Location: Sylmar, CA :[
[x] Eye Color: blue.
[x] Hair Color: red.
[x] Righty or Lefty: righty.
[x] Zodiac Sign: capricorn.
[x] Innie or Outtie: innie.
[x] Hair: uh.. messy.
[x] The shoes you wore today: haven't put on shoes yet.
-----------------WHAT IS------------------
[x] Your most overused phrase on aim: "iono."
[x] Your thoughts first waking up: "dammit, 14 hours until i see melissa"
[x] The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: hair
[x] Your best physical feature: too many to list.. j/k :D
[x] Your bedtime: no such thing.
[x] Your most missed memory: childhood fun.
-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
[x] Pepsi or coke: sprite.
[x] McDonald's or Burger King: um, mcdeez for their nuggets..
[x] Single or group dates: single.
[x] Adidas or Nike: neither :/ <3 vans.
[x] Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla.
[x] Cappuccino or coffee: neither.
-------------DO YOU------------------
[x] Smoke: no.
[x] Cuss: not often.
[x] Take a shower everyday: depends..
[x] Have a crush(es): no. (i dont think melissa counts cuz we're beyond that)
[x] Who are they: %false
[x] Do you think you ever been in love? yes indeed.
[x] Want to go to college: debating it.
[x] Like high school: at times..
[x] Want to get married: most certainly.
[x] Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yse <-- joke
[x] Believe in yourself: yes.
[x] Get motion sickness: um not certain..
[x] Think you're a health freak: not a freak, but cautious.
[x] Get along with your parents: yes
[x] Like thunderstorms: yea, they're exciting.
[x] Play an instrument: used to be semi-decent on piano/keyboard.
------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU-------------
[x] Go to the mall: yes.
[x] Eaten sushi: f-no.
[x] Been on stage: no.
[x] Been dumped: nopers..
[x] Gone skating: no.
[x] Made homemade cookies: yeah, with melissa!
[x] Been in love: how are you in love for just a month?
[x] Dyed your hair: what color would i want? i already have red.
[x] Stolen anything: nothing at all.
-------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
[x] Flown on a plane: yup.
[x] Missed school because it was raining?: no.
[x] Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: yeah, 1.
[x] Cried during a Movie?: yeah, it's melissa's fault though.
[x] Ever thought an animated character was hot?: cosmo is pretty hot.
[x] Had an imaginary friend: no.
[x] Cut your hair: show me a person who has never gotten a haircut.
[x] Had crush on a teacher?: never.
[x] Played a game that required removal of clothing?: no.
[x] Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no.
[x] Been caught "doing something": no.
[x] Been called a tease: no.
[x] Gotten beaten up?: no.
[x] Been in a fight: yes.
[x] Shoplifted: no.
----------------THE FUTURE------------------
[x] Age you hope to be married: ~22-24
[x] Numbers and Names of Children: 1 at least.. Ryan for male, Kaitlyn for female.
[x] Describe your Dream Wedding (romantic): haven't given it any thought.
[x] What do you want to be when you grow up?: networking engineer or something alike, and a daddy.
[x] What country would you most like to visit?: Italy..
-----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------
[x] Best eye color: blue.
[x] Best hair color: brown / dirty blonde.
[x] Short or long hair: long hair.
[x] Best height: shorter then me.
[x] Best first date location: something open and exciting.
[x] Best first kiss location: why does location matter?
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
[x] Number of people I could trust with my life: 1
[x] Number of tattoos: 0
[x] Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: 0
[x] Number of scars on my body: 1, damn the arm!
[x] Number of things in my past that I regret: a lot.
[x] Shampoo: whatever smells pretty.
[x] Fave Color(s): black, gray, silver, blue, & green.
[x] Day/Night: Night
[x] Summer/Winter: somewhere inbetween
[x] Lace or Satin: satin, cuz it can be pronounced satan.
[x] Fave Cartoon Character: Jay Sherman (the critic)
[x] Fave Food: whatever is nummy. but most likely fettuccine alfredo.
[x] Fave Movies: anything comedy.
[x] Fave sport: sports haha..
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
[x] Wearing: undershirt and boxers.
[x] Drinking: raspberry cranberry juice. (from concentrate)
[x] Thinking about: how long this thing took to fill out.
[x] Listening to: the sounds of me typing.
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
[x] Cried: nope.
[x] Worn jeans: don't own any..
[x] Met someone new online: yes, all the time.
[x] Done laundry: no.
[x] Drove a car: no.
[x] Talked on the phone: yes..
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
[x] Yourself: yes.
[x] Your friends: yes.
[x] Santa Claus: no.
[x] Tooth Fairy: no.
[x] Angels: no.
[x] Ghosts: no.
[x] UFO's: no.
[x] God: god spelled backwards spells dog.
--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
[x] Do you ever wish you had another name?: never given it any thought, so no.
[x] Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: yessire :D
[x] Do you like anyone?: missa!
[x] Who have you known the longest of your friends?: steven.
[x] Are you close to any family member?: only parents.
[x] Who do you hang around the most?: melissa.
[x] When have you cried the most: when i lost my patrick doll that melissa gave me.
[x] What's the best feeling in the world?: spending time with melissa when everything is perfect.
[x] Worst Feeling?: making missa upset, me sowwy :''(
ugh finally its over... watch it's too big to be posted..