Aug 07, 2006 09:22
A minute ago I went to write a post to about W.V. woes witch I will continue in a momment if I can.The previous post on here was meant to go on TomPetty Land and was meant to be private.Oh well.There is a helluva a storm outside and I keep getting knocked off
So quickly. W.V. woes is a collaboritave concept comic strip based primarily on actual events in W.V. based off story's i've heard from other people. In some instance's my own experinces.It's a satarical strip primarily.With a good dose of stupidity from buddy thrown in.It's catergorized by theme for instance Stoner Stories,and Nursing Nightmares, are pretty obvious as to what they pretain to and about.
I intend to do a trilogy on the Matewan Massacre of 1920.It will depict hollywoods stance from the 1980's film some of you may have seen.To what actual historical fact or what is thought to be fact,depending on your point of view.To speculation.
I've know about Matewan since I was 7 and watched the movie.I visted the town back in 2002 with Rach,it was fascinating.People still talk about the shooting and speculate on who shot who.If you don't belive me just go there and talk to them.Also check the museum out it's a tiny building but it has quite a bit of intresting stuff.I wish I had more film during the trip out.
The only reason I bring W.V. woes up is because I just want it documented that I created the name.
Sorry if all this is scatterbrained,i'm stoned and in a hurry,and haven't slept in a good while.
Take care Joshua Testerman