No Time But Today

Apr 20, 2009 15:48

Title: No Time But Today
Author: Syv
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Pairing: Royai
Challenge: 30themesongs
Theme: Pendulum
Theme Song: “Everybody Wants You” by Josh Kelley
Disclaimer: I do not own FMA or any of the characters, nor do I own the song used in this fic.
Word Count: 1 507
Note: Don't ask how this idea came into my head. It just did. XD I hope they aren't too OC. Ed, Al and Maes are all still here by the way, though this takes place after the series, no movie.
Warning/s: A few hints on their backstory. I can't give more than hints as I've never actually read the manga. XP

Ever since Roy Mustang had met her when he came to learn flame alchemy under her father, she had taken up a permanent residence in his head. There was never a moment she left his thoughts, even though Roy was unaware of it himself at first. Whether it was simply wondering if she'd appreciate an apple as he passed by a stall in the market or what he could possibly do for her when her father died, she was a constant part of any and all conversations he held with himself in his head.

He remembered Ishbal. Before he found out that she had been assigned as a sniper in the Ishbal massacre, thoughts of her were what kept him going despite the constant feeling of self-loathing for abusing the trust she had placed in him by giving him the secrets to flame alchemy. He had hoped that she'd never have to be in such a situation as he was. During those long nights, he would sometimes wonder how she was doing, if she was well, and if she thought of him.

When he met her among the sands of that hellhole, one look at her face told him she felt the same way as him - disgusted at himself and a desire to be far away from that place. He wanted to ask why she was there, why she chose to dirty herself with the sins carried by all those who were a part of that organized massacre. Yet, there was also a part of him that was glad for her presence in those dark days.

Females were a rarity in the military of those days. It wasn't surprising then that men would try and take hold of such rarities. It also came as no real surprise that Roy would find anger creeping into his being every time any man made so much as an attempt on the blonde sniper. Of course, he knew now that she'd never have let any of them touch her anyway.

You've been bad
You know you been good
Did you lose your mind like I knew you would

Did you sing your song
Did you sing it so loud
Did you sing it so everyone can hear in the crowd

Did you lose yourself
Did you lose your health
Did you put my memories on the shelf

Did you lose your place
Did you lose your grace
Just so everyone can see your singing face

It's like everybody loves you
And everybody wants you lately
It's like everybody needs you
And everybody sees you today

Roy recalled all the antics in the office. There was no doubt that she was the most competent among them. She made sure that things were running smoothly - all the paperwork got done and no huge fights broke out among the men. She implemented strict discipline within the unit. There were times Roy wondered if he was really of a higher rank than she was considering she seemed to be the one pulling the reins in the office.

When they were in the field, she was just as efficient. Those in the higher ranks of the military were well aware of her prowess with a gun. Although she didn't believe she was as famous as him, Roy knew how much her name preceded her when it came to her skills.

She may not have been aware of it, but Roy paid the most attention to her when they were in the office. There was nothing as interesting as she was, especially when compared to the piles of paperwork on his desk. It didn't take more than several months with her in his unit until he knew she would always be the one he wanted but could never have.

He would be lying if he said he didn't notice how hurt she'd be when he'd announce that he had another of his infamous dates. What could he do though? He knew he didn't deserve her after all he'd done. He believed that she'd eventually find the one who was meant for her - the one who would see just how kindhearted she was and how beautiful, both inside and out. Of course, he would cringe every time he thought of another man holding her and being the reason for the light in her eyes, but he would convince himself it was for the best. He wondered when that time would come - when she'd no longer constantly be thinking of him and watching his back. He wondered if he could bear that.

You've been sad
You misunderstood
Did you find your kind like I knew you would

Did you feel your soul
Did you feel it so real
Did you feel it so everyone can see your grand appeal

Did you lose yourself
Did you lose your health
Did you put my memories on the shelf

Did you lose your place
Did you lose your grace
Just so everyone can see your singing face

It's like everybody loves you
And everybody wants you lately
It's like everybody needs you
And everybody sees you today

Roy shook himself from his memories. Today was the most important day of his life, and he knew that no matter what had passed before, only today would really matter. Despite his hatred at himself for what he had done in Ishbal, he was still able to stand proud. Despite all his feelings of unworthiness, he was grateful for this chance to live again. All of this was thanks to her. With this in mind, he looked up and smiled.

There she was, the only woman he had ever loved and will love. She was nothing short of radiant that day. As she walked down the aisle towards him, her unbound hair caught the sunlight streaming through the windows of the building. Her floor-length dress of silk was simply designed - plain white with thin golden linings around the edges - but it suited her well. What really took Roy's breath away was the smile on her face and in her eyes. He could forget all the pains of the past and all the worries of the future with one look at those eyes. Her face in that moment was the only thing that filled Roy's mind until the end of the ceremony.

They will only show
Over the time we loan
Time will say
Keep the fire alive
And lead the way
You are today

The reception was in full swing. Everyone was in good spirits and having a good time. Havoc and Breda were laughing loudly as they shared jokes and stories over their glasses of wine. Falman was beside them, sharing his own tidbits from time to time, but mostly watching them amusedly. Fuery was talking with Sciezska about Hayate and some books Sciezska had read. Denny Brosh and Maria Ross were apparently progressing in their relationship, seeing as how they were smiling at each other throughout the event. Ed, Al and Winry were joining in the fun as well, at least as much fun as Ed could get with Havoc ribbing him about his height every so often. Maes and Gracia were on the dance floor, making the most of the opportunity to enjoy each other's company while Elysia was being taken care of by Winry in the midst of the festivities.

Roy was merely standing by the side of the room, watching everyone. His thoughts were once again on her. It was with pride that he thought of how he now had every right to get angry over any man making a move on his wife. He also smiled, knowing that, although he was far from worthy of her, she would never find happiness in the arms of any other man. He realized that she would never stop thinking of him nor watching his back. She had chosen him - after everything he had done, despite all his flaws, she chose to love him.

His eyes found her as she walked around the room. She had stopped to talk with Havoc, Breda and Falman. She indulged them in their jokes, letting out a short laugh. She smiled when Fuery inquired about Hayate. She teased Maria about the latter's relationship with Denny Brosh. She made sure the Elrics and Winry were enjoying themselves and not too harassed with Havoc's jibes. She put up with Maes gushing over the cuteness of Elysia in her flower girl's dress. And, she allowed General Grumman to twirl her around the dance floor.

Did you lose yourself
Did you lose your health
Did you put my memories on the shelf

Did you lose your place
Did you lose your grace
Just so everyone can see your singing face

It's like everybody loves you
And everybody wants you lately
It's like everybody needs you
And everybody sees you today

The more Roy watched her, the more he couldn't help wanting to claim her for himself, although she already was his. He wanted her undivided attention. He knew he'd have to wait though. They were the hosts, after all, though he must admit he really wasn't doing much in terms of mingling with his guests. What could he say? His vision and head were filled with her. There wasn't room for anyone else at the moment, and he really didn't care. She was the only one who mattered.

She finished her dance with her grandfather. She was laughing lightly as he spoke with her. Suddenly, she turned in his direction. As their eyes met, she smiled and her lips formed a word: "Roy." With his own smile, he made his way to her, their eyes never breaking contact. As he reached her, the rest of the world fell away. In their eyes, it was just the two of them.

Roy took her hands then and pulled her to him. She didn't resist, letting him lead her in a waltz. Their movements were fairly slow. They'd leave the flashy twirls for another time. They just wanted to revel in their closeness then - a closeness that they had not been allowed to share throughout their lives before that day. With his hands on her, holding her near to him, and her letting him, he felt completely at peace. There was nowhere else he'd rather be.

His past didn't matter; the future could wait. There was only today and her. She was the only one he ever loved, the only one he ever wanted or ever needed. It had always been and always will be her.

"Riza Hawkeye-Mustang, I love you."

It's like everybody loves you
And everybody wants you lately
It's like everybody needs you
And everybody sees you today

x-posted to 30themesongs, royai_fiction, het_romance and anime_fanfics.

fma:royai, literary:fanfic, 30themesongs

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