Random Thoughts

Jul 13, 2008 22:57

I just finished reading a fanfic that apparently features the love between 2 men. Now, I have friends who are really into yaoi, and I don't consider myself one of them. I mean, I'm not the type who goes looking for fanfics of that sort. My personal preference is and will always be of a het couple. I really didn't expect the fic I read to be as it was, but I couldn't stop reading it 'til the end. And now, I just have to share some of my thoughts.

I may not be a yaoi fan, but I don't dislike gays/lesbians. I've always believed that there never really was a problem with such people. After all, you can't do anything about the person you fall in love with. The only real difference between a het couple and a gay/lesbian one is the fact that a gay/lesbian couple happens to love a person of the same gender. That has never been an issue for me before, and it still isn't one now. They are people who are free to love whoever they choose. The only additional piece that has invaded my thoughts now which I failed to think of before concerns the Church's stand on the matter.

I consider myself a fairly faithful person. I believe in God and Jesus Christ, I pray and go to mass, and I try to live a life according to the will of the Father. Just recently though, one of my Archery classmates went on this long sermon about the Bible and such. He even went as far as to ask if my other friend and I were atheists. Honestly, I dislike people like him just a bit. I don't agree with preaching the Word of God in that manner. I respect the different beliefs of all kinds of people. For one, I believe Muslims worship the same God we Catholics do, just under a different Name. Yes, we all have varied beliefs and cultures, but I never found anything wrong with that. Even an atheist, who believes there is no God, is still a person to be respected and treated equally. There is nothing wrong with that.

Now, going back to what I have said awhile ago on the Church's stand against homosexuals, well, their main point of argument is that homosexuals go against God's design for 2 beings in love to procreate. That's true, but then, think about it. In our time and age, how many of these "procreations" have gone wrong? What I mean to say is, how about the various acts of abortion and how parents throw away their children? How about the children who are sent off to orphanages because their parents no longer want them? How about the children who are born into situations where they cannot be adequately taken care of? There are so many innocent children who are harmed because of the misuse and abuse of their parents' procreative powers. That is not my main argument however.

I mentioned earlier how people cannot choose who they fall in love with. This fact leads me to my actual argument. Didn't God "create" love before procreation? If there is a need for reference to the Bible, we must go back to the Book of Genesis. The first thing Adam and Eve did was not procreation. In fact, they only "procreated" when they were banished from Eden. What was God's main intention then? I cannot begin to understand the ways of God, but I believe that He wanted a world of love above all else. In the end, I believe it is the LOVE that is present that really matters, not the people who are in love. As long as they truly love each other, it shouldn't matter whatever gender, race, culture or beliefs they have.

For now, I guess this belief of mine will stand. Unless I find reason to believe otherwise, I still think love is the most important factor in any relationship.


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