Asamakku = win

Aug 21, 2010 13:03

More dubbing of Starry Sky by Asamakku. 8D! And this time I heard Tourai join in too~ <3

Speaking!Tourai and Singing!Tourai sound so different from each other. xD But Tourai did such a good job at dubbing~ =w= <3 <3 <3 As one comment said "Tourai-san pro da!" It was so fun to listen, Jack was Virgo (I can't remember their Japanese names yet . . . orz), Asamaru was Aries, and Tourai was Pisces (so damn cute! ;_;) and Meiko was the protagonist. Hilarious when viewers were voting who should say the lines of that long, red-haired guy. Jack was like "Let's make Maru-tan do it~" and he got all "LOL NO. |:" So most of the viewers voted for Asamaru. He got all "YAMETE YAMETEEEE orz orz" Poor guyyyy. xD <3

Added in comment box just because. xD

Ah. I also caught Clear at midnight for a bit. Had to go to bed for appointment. orz

At first, the picture was acting kinda funky, so he had to do stuff. xD Saw part of his desktop! /totally not a creeper, nope!/

f: nico nico douga

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