aren't i all cute when i am sick?
is that drool?
the flash! it's so bright..
i'm awake now, but as soon as you look away i'll be asleep again..
i think the cough syrup is making me hallucinate... really..
my letter to santa:
dear santa,
please, all i want for christmas is to feel better, that's all.
is that too much to ask for? i want to see my friends and family, and to stop seeing wierd things every time i look around the house when it's if you can find the time, please just make me get gooder again.
i miss rob..
his mom got into town today. i wanted to meet her but can't now cause of this stinkin flu.
note to self:
hey self,
next year go EARLY for the flu shots so you don't miss them like you did this year cause they ran out, cause why? CAUSE YOU WAITED TOO LONG. asshole.
i hate you!
damn maybe i was a little too hard on myself there..he he he
anywho feeling week again to the futon...