1st off
You are 100% Canadian
You are the ULTIMATE Canadian! Pass the beer and turn on the hockey game, eh! Take comfort in the fact that the rest of the world loves you, even if you are freezing your ass off in your igloo!
How Canadian are you?Make a Quiz So Jay and I have this bearded dragon lizard. He's pretty awesome, he looks and walks like a crocodile. His name is King Spike, and he's going nuts in his tank right now. It's quite amusing.
(My Spikey)
So I started my 1st day taking live calls at work. SCARY!!!!! I fucked up so many calls it's not even funny. I was almost in tears when I couldn't understand this americans accent and what he wanted, and then he started to get angry at me because he sounded like a dirty old man who had too much booze in his system, I hate americans ( well that american) more. And the worst part of the whole thing is I work 4:30pm to 1:00am.....blah..just keep telling myself it's only 1 week ...only 1 week....until I get my new schedule. BLAH!