Apr 17, 2008 02:41
i am on a hyper intellectual bender recently. My mind is sharp as a razor. I've been reading in two books as well as reading for classes and I am intensely interested and fascinated and immersed in the life experience.
i do dxm every couple of days. I believe i have an enzyme deficiency of some sort because i only need around 300 mg , spaced over 3 hours, to trip balls, for two days (especially with cannabis).
i have found dxm to be a great help in realizing my problems with people and with myself. I am learning a lot from John C. Lilly's book "The Center of the Cyclone: An Autobiography of Inner Space. "In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true either is true or becomes true with certain limits, to be found experientially and experimentally. These limits are beliefs to be transcended"
i feel i no longer fear death. This is connected to the feeling that when i die, i will be assimilated back into the central energy and then take form once again. I don't want to speed up the process of dying, of course, i am too fascinated by life, but I feel I will be ok when I die.
I am disconnected from Christianity, although I still have Christian programs in my mind that I need to work on deconstructing. I will be a self metaprogrammer.
I look forward to more experiences in the isolation tank on different substances, and reading more books by Lilly and others. I want to read more into several different things such as: Bauhaus, native plants of California, david foster wallace novels, and anthropology in general. I'm really for the first time pretty excited to be in this field, not just interested but unsure of my competency as an anthropologist. I feel competent now as a valid social, psychological, spiritual, and scientific observer and analyzer. I just need to figure out in which direction to lend my attention for the time being for a career and a masters possibly.
Anthony is excellent; he's kind, smart and attentive. We are pleased with each other and always have a good time.
Kevin I have found to be highly illogical. It is immature and he is too stubborn to change his ways. He's only 21. It's true that he hangs out with a lot of people younger than him most of the time, but I do know he also values time with a middle aged friend. So what gives? Does this middle aged guy see the problems in him that I see? I should ask Kevin that, if he didn't get so easily offended. He's highly irritable now, I guess that can happen when your your beliefs clash at fundamental levels.
I am keeping better contact with friends i feel. This makes me happy. I send letters to Lindsy. I'm still trying to recruit people to the bay area, this place is seriously badass. Shosh might be up for it eventually. She's gotta dump that hollow town and get a spoonful of the San Francisco and greater area variety stuffing. The same goes for Lindsy perhaps, Idk, I've never been to where she is.
Taking gotu kola capsules seems to help me daily. Although I didn't take one today and didn't feel too different... also eating healthy and not too much is nice. I feel tuned and spry.
Well it's time I met the sleep and let it contemplate me.