Dec 13, 2007 12:07
No time good update now.
Sunday night - No sleep all night, studied for Language of Film and did photonotebook
Sunday night's Monday morning at 9am - Went to Embassy interview, still awake from sunday morning, nailed it.
Monday - Went home, studied, got pictures finally developed at Walgreens after their machine broke down. Got a phone call asking where I was for the final. I missed my Story Structure final. Called Prof. She loves me, said "no prob" and let me take it on Friday. Turned in Photonotebook, came home, watched "Rosemary's Baby" about five times, wrote paper, falling asleep the whole time, finished. Turned in paper, studied for Childrens TV final. Took Childrens TV Final. NAILED IT after only studying for a few minutes. (33% of test was on dissecting Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law in an Essay). Went to all night study monday night, got three awesome massages from 11pm - 1am, got free energy drinks around the same time, and granola bars. Hung out with Aaron, wrote a story for the song, "Goin Up The Country" by Canned Heat. A suicidal/happy-go-lucky roommate comedy. We tried to meet everyone that passed through our hall. It worked, we met like 50 peopleThen, we bowled a bit until like 4am. Finally, Sweeney and I went to Denny's on the way home to break up the cold weather, and eat something. We both got home at about 5am. I sleep until 5pm.
Good morning. It's 5pm. Watch TV for a while, I get dressed, and go to Sweeney's to pick him up, but he's not having it until like 9pm, so I go to the editing lab and screw around, helping out Tim and Z. They're sucking. I record another commercial idea, half-assedly, and then try to make something out of it using the efects library, but, to little avail. I leave at 9:45pm after telling Brian that i'll close the lab for him (which he got shit later for, because I didn't shut down any of the computers or decks, and the room was closed and hot all night. I didn't know you had to do all that shit though, and he didn't tell me otherwise) After that, it was like 10pm, and they were handing out cool shit again. More meeting of people for quite some time. Lyndsae, Joe, and Yolandi are in their own world, but we manage to hang out for about an hour or so while we get all kinds of said free shit. Free mugs, free tee-shirts, free cereal, hot cocoa, free energy drinks and on-the-go energy bars, pencils, pens, cups, scarves, the lot. So we hang out for a while, and then they leave, and Sweeney and I decide to do more bowling, for several hours, more massages for an hour or so, some pool, for several hours, and then again, I'm back at home, without studying at like 4am.
Wednesday - I wake up at about 12pm or so, get to the editing lab to try to have some fun with my audio project, but the computers are packed, so I'm late for class and turn in my project with barely anymore work added to it. Fun. We leave after saying some goodbyes and sharing a few laughs, like for Hurricane shoes, which German did in class. Awesome. After that, Lyndsae came to get me at like 5:45pm, but she forgot her bike keys at home, so she took my bike after a lot of debating. Sweeney caught up with me, and I checked out the notes for History class. We didn't really use them, but we did spend a lot of time trying to find a good place to read them. We hooked up with Brett Pornmaker (Parmenter? Parameter?) and tried to study, but all we did was screw around, watch YTMND's, and I saw that famous awful video going around. That which shall remain nameless. We all had a good laugh, and then Brett left, and Sweeney and I got to some good studying. We left at 1pm to get free Red Bull's, which we did, where i bumped into old Bio friend Megan. Sweeney, she, and I hung out for a couple minutes, and then he and I were hanging out with Kelly out of nowhere, along with Jessica Santos. They left, and we tried to find a spot to study. We decided on the basement of the TSU. There we played pool from 10:30pm until forever. Then we switched to ping pong, where Elly came and played with us too. We were studying for a while, played a bit, studied for a while, played for a bit, and then these two guys challenged us to a doubles tournament, which Sweeney nor I couldn't refuse. So we did that for a good hour or two, just playing quick ass game after game. At 4am, we had to study some more, we were both pretty fucked, and they were sure they were too. So naturally, Sweeney and I took a walk to get my phone from under Lyndsae's bike across campus. We did that while studying, and then took our bikes back to campus, where we studied in the computer lab for a while, and downloaded the study guide for Documentary. We realized it was way too much work after trying to find the answers hastily, and went home, getting us back at like 6am. As the sun came up, my face was slowly freezing over, as i didn't have a sweet scarf like the night before to cover up my face, nose, forehead and neck.
Now it's 12:30pm on Thursday. I have two finals today: One at 5pm, and the other reight after at 7:30pm. I'm at work in the check out room until 3pm, and Sweeney's supposed to come down here and study with me, but it's doubtful he'll be here anytime soon with such little sleep, no motivation for the classes, and a free gift card to In & Out Burger. I sit alone, hoping to get enough studying in to still pass with an A. Best of luck to you all out there, any good times to Livejournal about, or at least to leave as a comment? Come On....!!!