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Aug 08, 2020 14:13

«Nel cor più non mi sento» - дуэт из оперы Джованни Паизиелло «L'amor Contraato» 1788 года. Дуэт примечателен тем, что его тема неоднократно использовалась в качестве основы для других музыкальных произведений, а благодаря включению в сборник Arie Antiche Алессандро Паризотти 1885 года, песня заняла место в классической вокальной педагогике.

In my heart I no more feel
The sparkle of youth.
The cause of my torment
Love is the guilty one.
You tease me, you bite me.
You prick me, you pinch me.
What is this thing, alas!
Love is a certain something
Which makes me despair.

I hear you, yes I hear you,
beautiful flower of youth.
The cause of my torment
My soul, it is you.
You tease me, you bite me.
You prick me, you pinch me.
What is this thing, alas!
That face is one
which makes me delirious.

Flag of every wind
I know it's you:
The one in a hundred
sparkle of youth.
You tease me, you pinch me,
you prick me, you bite me.
That everyone cries: alas!
That woman is the one
That burns me.

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