Regarding the Tampa Tribune article ( about a father who killed his 3 year old son because "[h]e was concerned that the child might be gay," I guess this is a case, as the Radical Religious Right would say, where "Love Won Out". As a matter of fact, their website ( talks about their "dynamic one-day conference addressing, understanding and preventing homosexuality." Well, I guess this guy has DEFINITELY "prevented" his son from becoming a homosexual, hasn't he?? Of course, murdering your own child ensures that the child won't become ANYTHING, will he? Just shows the sick, sad situation that the RRR creates when they instill in the minds of some people that being gay (or in this baby's case, even the slightest tiny appearance of maybe one day possibly being gay) is something a "loving" parent has to work to prevent. It seems that, although an innocent child dies at the hands of one of the people in this world from whom he should have expected and received unconditional love, homophobia still lives and breathes and beats deep in the human heart, doesn't it??
Hey look out! I did a public entry!!!