[project 02] species

Feb 27, 2007 22:00

Begin Data Report 02:

Information on city species, other than humans. Most humans in this world seem to have certain life-styles, such as pirates, ninja, samurai, alchemists, bounty hunters, and knights.

Shinigami: (Japanese: "Death god") Shinigami send the souls of ordinary ghosts (called Pulses) to the Soul Society, and send the souls of bad ghosts ("Hallows") to judgment. Any spirit that is not guided to Soul Society by a shinigami may eventually descend into a hollow.

Arrancar: An arrancar is a hollow that has removed its mask and gained shinigami powers. The name "arrancar" is a Spanish verb meaning "to remove" or "to rip off," a reference to an arrancar's removal of its hollow mask.

Vampires: Vampires (sometimes vampyres) are mythological or folkloric creatures believed to be the re-animated corpses of human beings who subsist on human or animal blood. They seem to prefer the blood of virgin women.

Chojin: (Japanese: "Super human") Just as the name suggests, Chojins are much stronger than regular humans. They can survive through a whole bunch of stuff, including broken bones, ripped off limbs, and much more.
Their only real purpose in life seems to be wrestling, which explains why they are incredibly muscular and extremely tall. They are also extremely flexible for being so muscular and big. Because of their brute strength, they can easily rip a human in half without even breaking a sweat.

Wizards/Warlocks: Wizards, in fantasy and mythology, are people who has studied and practice magic. Generally stronger than a regular human.

Angels: An angel is a supernatural being found in many religions. In Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism and Islam, they typically act as messengers from God.

Demons/Youkai: In religion, folklore, and mythology, a demon (or daemon, dæmon, or even daimon) is a supernatural being that has generally been described as a malevolent spirit, and in Christian terms is the opposite of an Angel. Demons are frequently depicted as a force that may be conjured and insecurely controlled.

Werewolves: A werewolf (also lycanthrope or wolfman) in folklore is a person who shape shifts into a wolf or wolflike creature, either purposely, by using magic, or after being placed under a curse. Some are said to be immortal. Most lycan only seem to be able to transform during a full moon.

The Endless: The Endless are a group of beings who embody various aspects. They have existed since the dawn of time and are thought to be some of the most powerful beings in existence.

Deities/Gods: The name God refers to the deity held by monotheists to be the supreme reality. God is believed to be the sole creator of the universe. Some religions have more than 1 God.

Demi-gods: The term "demigod", meaning "half-god," is a modern distinction, often misapplied in Greek mythology. "Demigod" is meant to identify a person whose one parent was a god and whose other parent was human, such as the heroes of Greek mythology. The biblical Nephilim, descendants of fallen angels and mortal women, could be considered demigods.

Rozen Maidens: The Rozen Maidens are a collection of dolls created by a craftsman. Their primary source of power is a human host (a "medium") that wears a ring to symbolize their bond with the doll, although certain dolls have been shown to act without a medium.

Mediums: A human that is able to communicate with spirits in a psychic manner. As an adjective, the term psychic describes the arguably paranormal aspect of certain mental phenomena. As a noun, psychic describes people who profess to be sensitive to psychic influence. The term is often used interchangeably with medium, although psychics attribute abilities they may have to ESP or clairvoyance rather than to contact with spirits.

Anthropomorphics: The term is derived from two Greek words, anthrōpos, meaning human, and morphē, meaning shape or form. The suffix '-ism' originates from the morpheme in the Greek language. It is a common and seemingly natural tendency for humans to perceive inanimate objects as having human characteristics, although few believe this to be of significance. Anthromorphics generally seem to have animal/human charactersitics in this city. Some anthros are actual races, such as Mithra and Viera.

Homoculi: Homunculi are artificially created humans, only seven in exsistance, each named after the seven sins.

I think that about covers most of the common non-human species here. Glad I got that over with. It seems another citizen has already written up a guide to the basics of how this city works. That takes a load off my work!

I will continue to add/edit the information in this entry, as I find out more about the races here.

End Data Report.

[OOC: All info, except for the Chojins, was taken/tweeked from wikipedia. XD *is laammee*]
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